Category: Spirituality

They Way Things Go

Yes, it’s Angie’s day, but looking at the rest of the bloggers it appears that maybe Angie won’t be posting either. So here I am in her stead to apologize for being a slacker and not posting this month. Truthfully I had a wonderful blog planned out. I did. I was going to write about  connecting […]

Sexual Spirituality and Gender Stereotypes

I had to smirk at this month’s prompt. I was even almost dreading it. Actually, since no one else has tackled the topic I’m still a little nervous to write about it. Sexual spirituality. I thought something dirty at first. It’s hard not to, especially with S. Connolly mentioning how she felt this topic could […]

Pathworking mystery

It took me the longest time to figure out what Pathworking is.. I feel dumb now, since someone just explained to me what it was..   I’ve been doing that since I was young in the occult, it was called “ground and center time” or “meditation guidance”.  The rhythmic drum beat, ta ta ta ta ta ta […]

Bringing in the new

Each year always feels like we have a fresh slate, doesn’t it? We can start over with new routines or habits that we didn’t have before. I think once a year every magician should do a thorough cleaning of her energy and space. Some people do it in the spring time when they’re cleaning their […]