The Goetia Workbook

Goetia Workbook 4

The Goetia Workbook – prepared by S. Connolly

This is a workbook for those magicians who want to work through all 72 Goetic Daemons plus the Four Kings. It is set up like a journal so the magician can write his/her observations and experiences into the pages. This book is available as a hardcover, spiral bound, and paperback. Each individual Daemon’s section includes the Daemon’s name, Sigil, basic information, and room for invocations, ritual construct notes, observations, meditation notes, and reflection. I’ve also included space for drawing sigils, ritual constructs, and included elements for varying pathwork to make this workbook useful to a wide variety of magicians doing extensive Goetic work. This book was originally intended to be used for the Daemonolatry magician. However, it can be a useful organizing tool for anyone wishing to work through or explore the entire Goetic hierarchy through personal path-work and ritual.

  • 8.5 x 11
  • 334 Pages
  • Available in Paperback, Coil Bound Paperback, and Hardcover

PURCHASE LINKS:  Amazon Paperback  |  B&N Paperback  | Lulu Paperback  |  Lulu Spiral Bound Paperback |  Hardcover |

Paperbacks at online booksellers coming soon! Should be available to order through your local bookstore within a month or so.

1 thought on “The Goetia Workbook

  1. Shayla Bess

    This is wonderful. I believe this will help me further on my personal Goetia journey. I have found all the books written by authors of this site of a lot of help and clarity to my own workings. I just ordered a copy and I look forward to reading it and working through it as well.

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