Author: Steph

Nuctemeron Gates

Nuctemeron Gates discusses the Nuctemeron of Apollonius of Tyana as a full path-working ritual for the adept and as a complete gate opening ritual to bring the “light of the world” manifest into the magus. Please note that this book is meant as a supplement to Infernal Colopatiron : A Manual of Daemonic Theophany. However, Infernal […]

They Way Things Go

Yes, it’s Angie’s day, but looking at the rest of the bloggers it appears that maybe Angie won’t be posting either. So here I am in her stead to apologize for being a slacker and not posting this month. Truthfully I had a wonderful blog planned out. I did. I was going to write about  connecting […]

High John Oil

So a friend of mine who runs his own occult shop was rotating his herb stores last month (nothing old and nasty in his store). He asked me if there was anything I wanted. I told him I could really use some High John. I’ve been needing some extras to do some experimentation in the […]

June How-To

Welcome readers! Pardon the intrusion but I am introducing this month’s topic since Frank is busy. It seems a few of our bloggers got busy this summer, so expect postings to be sporadic the next few months. This month is our June How-To (or Blogger’s Choice). That means you just don’t know what you’re going […]

Introducing the DB Publishing Chapbook Series

DB Publishing is currently seeking submissions for our Chapbook Series of books. These  books are generally between 50-80 pages (that’s between 20K-30K word count) and focus on a topic of interest to Daemonolaters. These topics can include (but certainly aren’t limited to) Sigil Magick Goetia topics Grimoiric Magick (wherein Daemons are treated respectfully) Candle Magick […]