It’s that time again to do a year in review and ask yourself what magick you may be wanting to work next year. I find it helpful to have the following at the ready:
- A Yearly Planner – dedicated to your magickal work.
- An Astrological Planner – if magickal timing is important to you, or you want to harness particular planetary aspects. (I am a fan of the Llewelyn Astrological Pocket Planner.)
- A list of your favorite Daemons to work with for every purpose
- A list of things you want to address in the new year. Think of mundane things, absolutely, but also think about bad habits you may want to break, or changes in perception or thinking that you’d like to make. Or maybe you want to draw new people or opportunities into your life.
Once you have all of this in front of you, it will be much easier to prioritize which things you want to tackle first and you can begin planning your magickal work in your planner/notebook.
Perhaps instead you want to learn a new skill. The key then becomes working a new skill into your schedule/calendar and then finding ways to stay motivated to practice that skill, or learn all you can about a particular subject.
For those of you interested in a year end review workbook with some planning pages, you’re welcome to join my reader group on FB to download your free PDF and access other free planning tools. You might also want to take the class: Establishing Your Daily Practice and Planning Your Magickal New Year.