This month’s topic is creativity and how we can utilize our creativity in our ritual work for more effective results. If you’d like to read more, check out The Art of Creative Magick. Also watch for the forthcoming book about Leviathan and the Demiurge. So let’s get into it, shall we? Five ways to draw […]
Author: Steph
One-Off Magick vs. The Great Work
So I hadn’t intended to do a second post this month, but my inbox felt differently. Most of the time, when people come to me seeking magickal work or advice on magick, they have the same complaint: “My magick in the past hasn’t worked. I did a spell/ritual/pact to become famous, and nothing happened. Why?” […]
Headlong into a New Year
Can you believe it’s already January? We all want to jump into new habits and routines at the start of a new year. Even I was tempted to jump in and write 2000 words a day. That totally didn’t happen, and the Daemonic message I kept getting for myself was “Ease into the new year.” […]
Joyous Rite to Belial
From all of us here at – may you have a wonderful solstice, Rite to Belial, Yule, and holiday season. Stay healthy and safe and may 2021 bring you and yours prosperity, good health, and happiness.
K Asks: “Today i tried an incovation from Bune, following the steps from the ‘Deamonolatry Goetia’, but alas i had no manifestation in any kind. What did i wrong or need to learn or practice more? Any advise would be apreciated.” I get a variation of this email at least once or twice a year […]
Ask A Daemonolatress
I have been slacking on these again and the questions have been building up. So it’s time for another round of questions from my inbox! 🙂 I have a question concerning Meditation, daily practise and Circle. I am a beginner at Daemonolatry and I am reading The Complete Book of Demonolatry and want to do the […]
The Fine Art of Discernment
In our FB group, I made a post about discernment that I thought would also be useful here. It has been modified to include some important discussion points that ensued. One of the WORST possible pieces of advice circulating among the online occulture of self-styled modern Daemonolaters is, “Just ask the Daemons!” Even I’ve been […]
Summer Fire Festivals
The summer fire festivals in traditional Daemonolatry are wide and varied. It’s often a time of celebration of every Fire Daemon from Flereous and Asmodeus, to Andras and Buer. The Summer Solstice/Rite to Flereous always conjures fond memories of summers past spent doing ritual around bonfires and spending hours fire scrying. It also reminds me […]
Powers of the Sphinx
Scire: To Know (Also Noscere) Velle: To Will Audere: To Dare Tacere: To Keep Silent The powers of the sphinx are the most basic and fundamental principles in a good number of Western magical traditions. This includes everything from hermetics, ceremonial magicks, witchcraft, and just about everything in between. Including Daemonolatry. One of the first […]
Zagan & Other Sledgehammer Daemons
I often get the question when should Zagan be utilized in ritual work to manifest meaningful change. I was even asked recently if someone should do a Zagan Rite for a couple trying to get pregnant. So first — before you jump on the Zagan bandwagon pause, assess, and think of all the pros and […]