Author: Steph

Uncrossing Yourself

I can’t begin to tell you how many times I open my email to find someone panicked, thinking they’ve been cursed. Fortunately, 8 times out of 10, it turns out the person doesn’t know any magicians and they haven’t done anything to harm anyone. They’ve just had a run of bad luck and they automatically […]

Tips for Navigating the Holidays When You’re Not Judeo-Christian

For those of us blessed with secular, open-minded, and/or atheistic families, this likely won’t be an issue for you. It’s usually not for me. There was the one year my family wanted to pray to Jesus before a meal, and I told them to go ahead, I’d wait. It made for an awkward moment, but […]

The Preeminent Curse

While this was released earlier this year on my list, and list members enjoy more options for printed formats, The Preeminent Curse is now available in case wrap hardcover* for those in the general public. (*Please note that cover for the case-wrap edition is different.) The Preeminent Curse is a manual of Daemonic execration magick […]

On-the-Go Protection

Protection is another one of the most common rituals/spells people ask me about. Sure, there are elaborate rituals you can do to protect yourself, your loved ones, and your possessions. However, there are simple ways to do this as well. Especially when you’re traveling outside your home where you’re outside the boundaries of your own […]


This blog post has been lingering in the back of my mind for some time now. Every time someone bitches about the “occult or LHP community”, or every time someone PMs me to tell me who’s stabbing who in the back within the “occult or LHP community”, I think about making this post. Or when […]

The Daemon Directory App for Android is Here.

Daemon Directory, an official app from, is a compendium of the 100 daemons that traditional Daemonolaters work with most often. Entries for each daemon includes purposes, enns (invocations), correspondences, and more, as well as useful descriptions from author S. Connolly and other traditional grimoires. A handy and essential reference for any Daemonolater, occultist, witch, […]