Daemon Directory, an official app from demonolatry.org, is a compendium of the 100 daemons that traditional Daemonolaters work with most often.
Entries for each daemon includes purposes, enns (invocations), correspondences, and more, as well as useful descriptions from author S. Connolly and other traditional grimoires.
A handy and essential reference for any Daemonolater, occultist, witch, or anyone curious about the dark arts.
Entirely filterable by purpose, daemonic hierarchy, element, celestial correspondence, and month, enabling you to identify the proper daemon for your needs.
Use it to honor the Daemons each month, as a study tool, or to plan ritual work.
(If you are in iOS user, contact Frank at [email protected] to let him know you’re interested. If an iOS option gets enough interest, we’ll see if our developer will put an iOS version out.)