Sacrificing Today for Tomorrow

This has been an insane month in many respects. My day job went from being on the slow side to moving at the speed of light and doubling up on the number of calls and readings I’ve done to planning my wedding and a move and then add in the state of affairs in the world around us and this has been a month I will happily say goodbye to.

As I was contemplating what to write about I got a pull to draw a card from my Dark Mirror Oracle deck and had to laugh at what I drew – Today for Tomorrow. The image is of a woman at two stages of her life – Young and Old, holding hands while standing at the top of a flight of stairs. It could also be read as a mother and daughter too, which still fits.

We are constantly in a state of sacrificing one thing for another. As children and young adults we study today instead of playing in hopes that our futures will be successful. As parents we give up things for ourselves so that our children can have more than we did. As adults we trade time spent with loved ones and pursuing our dreams to work stable jobs. Sometimes this sacrificing pays off but other times it doesn’t.

As magicians we also sacrifice things:

  1. Time. To learn, master, and to perfect our understanding of magick and the reasons why we do what we do.
  2. Relationships. Some of us are fortunate enough to have friends and family who accept our chosen path, but many are not so lucky. Being open with their beliefs could cause the end of familial ties and friendships.
  3. Space. The size of most of our libraries and ritual spaces can be considerable.
  4. Ourselves. If you include blood letting in your practice, you also give of yourself directly.

Sometimes what we need to sacrifice ends up paying off, other times it doesn’t and that in and of itself is a lesson, isn’t it? Who we become along the process can be quite eye opening.

Uncrossing Yourself

I can’t begin to tell you how many times I open my email to find someone panicked, thinking they’ve been cursed. Fortunately, 8 times out of 10, it turns out the person doesn’t know any magicians and they haven’t done anything to harm anyone. They’ve just had a run of bad luck and they automatically jumped to the “I’ve been cursed!” scenario because they either have wild imaginations, or they’re attention seeking. If there is actually anything metaphysical at play here, it’s often a self-created thoughtform causing the havoc. People who are always in crisis, are always emotionally volatile, and whose lives are always in upheaval of some kind, tend to routinely create these negative thoughtforms. Basically, they bring the bad luck on themselves, making the “curse” seem that much more real. It’s akin to a self-fulfilled prophecy.

That leaves the 2 out of 10. 2 out of 10 times it’s witch wars. Mary Sue Satanist got in a fight with Jack And Jill Luciferian and now they’re lobbing curses at each other because they have a difference of opinion on whether or not Lucifer and Satan are the same being (or whatever other dumb shit people fight about online because they seem to think magick and the occult are competitive sports rather than solitary spiritual pursuits). Hey, if you think that’s ridiculous, I’ve had people harrumph and stomp off just because I told them that I think thanking Daemons on online forums is tacky and attention seeking. It’s amazing how easily butthurt occultists are for all their alleged enlightenment.

That said – instead of freaking out and running to a teacher, elder, or friend for reinforcements every time you piss off some online grand poobah, there are a couple of things you can do.

And this goes for all you folks self-creating your own bad luck, too.

  1. For non-magicians, home and self protection magick is easy to do, and you should regularly clear your house of negativity a few times a year. For magicians – your home should be warded from all negativity from others, and negative energy feeders. You, too, should be regularly clearing your home of negative vibrations/energy. Especially if you are an emotionally volatile person who tends to have a lot of drama in your life.
  2. Don’t be a dick on the interwebs. While I believe MOST of the vocal online occultists are completely inept magickally (i.e. all talk no action, or occult enthusiasts with a lifestyle obsession), that doesn’t mean that you can run around being an asshole. Being a dick or cursing random online people will eventually earn you a magickal bitch-slap. I have wards in place that whenever someone lobs their vitriol my way, it bounces right back at them. So they suddenly think I’m cursing them, when in actuality, I’m not doing a damn thing except going about my business. By attacking me, they’re attacking themselves. You can learn how to make that kind of protective ward in The Preeminent Curse. It’s quite handy and makes for a nice, quiet, magickal life.

Ultimately, try the following to get rid of curses, negativity, etc…. when it rears its ugly head.


Sit down in front of a black candle (black is the color traditionally linked to absorbing negativity) and shove all your fears, worries, and anxieties into the candle via energy work – then light the candle and let the sucker burn down to nothing. Symbolically you are giving all that negativity to the flame so it can be burned away. Simple, but effective.


Another common method is to fumigate your space by lighting a bundle of protection/banishing herbs (sage, dill, lavender etc.) and allowing the smoke to get into every corner of the space you’re clearing. The theory there is that negative spirits and nasty energy doesn’t like the properties (or smell) of the herb and will evacuate the space. For asperging – dip the herbs into blessed water and use the herbs to disperse droplets of blessed water through the space. (The herbs work best if you grow them yourself with the intent of using them to fumigate or asperge your space, and if you thank them before harvesting them.)


Daemonolaters also practice “warding” which is a precautionary, proactive way of keeping negative shit out of your space to begin with. This means invoking protective Daemons at every quadrant, placing warding symbols or sigils of protective Daemons in those quadrants, and anointing above every door and window with a protection oleum. See Wortcunning for Daemonolatry for recipes.

EXORCISMS (for extreme circumstances only)

We even have rituals for exorcising negative (non-Daemonic) spirits from one’s home. See Keys of Ocat. This can remove “others”, feeder spirits (leeches), and negative thought-forms.

Take Time to Smell the Incense

The past week has brought to my attention just how many people feel that they can rush through the foundations and basics and still consider themselves competent magicians.

I understand that we live in a world where faster equates to better, but there are some thing that just can’t be rushed or faked and when it comes to magick going fast can create a recipe for disaster, or at least someone who doesn’t have a clue.

Why is there such a rush? When I started you were in pre-initiate for at least a year and you were constantly reading, being questioned, reading more, practicing, being tested, ad nauseum. We never would have imagined telling our instructors that we did a year’s worth of learning in less time, they would have put us to the flames, proverbially speaking. We took pride in being able to last through the entire program (at least half dropped out by the mid-year mark). It taught you patience, something that was important to understand and appreciate as some rituals took days or months, not minutes or hours to complete. It gave you the ability to delve deeply into areas that were of great interest as well as giving you time to grasp concepts that were more difficult. All in all, it gave me the time I needed to find myself as well.

When I became a Daemonolator I had to go through pre-initiate training all over again because I changed traditions, and although my background shared many core concepts of magick, working with Daemons within a tradition was new to me. I never felt like I should have been given a pass because I had already been practicing for 30 years. I learned something new, even from areas that I had thought I had already mastered. This was repeated when I entered seminary. I was a Priestess in my old path but this was a new road and I learned a lot in the 2 years that I was in the program. In truth I think the seminary program was more challenging the second time around and I honestly believe I am a better HP because of this.

When it comes right down to it, you should always be a student even when you are a teacher. This ensures that you don’t become stagnant and jaded, which would be a terrible thing in both your magickal and mundane lived.

So take your time when there are lessons to be learned, you are only shortchanging yourself in the longrun.

New Release: LARVA

From the Book Descrpition: A grimoire of 50+ Daemonolatry spells, sigil magick, and ciphers covering everything from protection, to stopping gossip.

From S. Connolly: My co-author, Ene, and I offer up our latest collection of spells and formulas, brought together from the grimoires of multiple practitioners (including ourselves). Some of the workings are more serious (like the Leviathan Key), others are things you didn’t even know you needed (like the enchanted to-do-list), but overall a fun and fascinating collection of the more folk-magick-y aspect of Daemonolatry. So leave the ceremonial magick in the temple, grab your ingredients, and let’s get to work! 

eBook, Paperback, Case-Wrap Hardcover

Linen Covered Hardcover w/Dust Jacket

Two Occult Books You Should Read

I don’t usually post unless it’s an announcement or site notification, but I thought I would share two books with you that I think every student of the occult should read, regardless your paradigm. ~ Frank D.

The Kybalion by Three Initiates

A tract of Hermetic philosophy that includes seven Hermetic principles that, in my opinion, all magicians should meditate on. I have found this one of the most inspiring books in my library and still pull it from the shelf from time to time when I’m in a reflective mood. You can totally find this book as a free PDF download on the internet, but I recommend a hard copy for those who feel inspired by the book.

My Life with the Spirits by Lon Milo Duquette

If you are looking for magical biographies that are actually interesting and don’t read like stereo instructions, this is the autobiography you want. Witty and relatable (whether you’re a Thelemite or not), this book resonated with me as I think it does with many magicians. Also, it has Goetic spirits in it, so there’s that. Add to that that Duquette is a very open-minded (chaos) magician in his own right, and this book will keep you turning the pages.

Which two occult books would you recommend and why?

When Good Goals Go Bad

I’ve talked before about setting magickal/spiritual goals for the new year, but I’ve never really talked about how to handle things when they go bad. Like – really bad.

Like, let’s pretend you said you would read all the occult books on your shelves at 2 books a month, and here it is, month three, and you’ve only read two chapters in a single book. What do you do? Beat yourself up mercilessly? Drop the goal completely? Or just shrug and say, “You know what? Tomorrow is another day.” and keep working at it until it finally becomes a priority? Or do you continue to take baby-steps toward the goal?

I like to point out to people that goals are just like lifestyle changes. They take some work. You have to have the mindset that you actually want to accomplish a thing, and if you actually want it — you will make time for it. Just like magick – intent is everything.

I did that this year. I decided to do a tarot journal for 2022! Pull cards every day, reflect on them during my nightly meditation.

So far, I’ve only pulled 5 of 7 days (actually 6, but I totally forgot to write January 3rd’s cards down – completely spaced yesterdays). By some accounts, people would say I’ve failed. But have I really?

6 out of 7 days isn’t bad (even if I did forget to record one), and I can still reflect on the previous week. Right?

So — your two chapters in 3 months isn’t 2 books every month, but it’s something, and you can build on that. Maybe find out where, in your schedule, you can find more time to read (or whatever it is for you). In my case, I need to come up with a routine that works for my tarot journaling. My 2022 is all about building routines that work better for me.

So instead of giving up, celebrate the small wins toward your goals, even if they’re tiny. And if you haven’t made any progress at all, forgive yourself and do one thing TODAY toward your goal, no matter how small. It all eventually adds up. To spring a writer-analogy on you all, 500 words a day for 100 days equals a 50,000 word novel. It adds up.

Tips for Navigating the Holidays When You’re Not Judeo-Christian

For those of us blessed with secular, open-minded, and/or atheistic families, this likely won’t be an issue for you. It’s usually not for me. There was the one year my family wanted to pray to Jesus before a meal, and I told them to go ahead, I’d wait. It made for an awkward moment, but I think it made the rest of my very secular family (minus one person in the family who is religious and who was the reason for the attempted prayer) think twice about trying that again because we haven’t prayed before a meal since.

However, not everyone is nearly as lucky as I am. Some of the people reading this may have grown up in very religious households, and it may make visiting family over the holidays (if you even talk to your family) a dreaded challenge rather than an anticipated pleasure.

Here are six things to consider when it comes to navigating holiday celebrations:

  1. You get to pick and choose your battles. Which hills are you willing to die on? Is bowing your head at the table and pretending to pray worth it just to keep the family peace? Only YOU get to decide which activities you want to participate in for the sake of harmony, or which fights you want to start. It’s not just your reaction to the other person that matters, it’s your actions. As a wise person once told me about human conflict: “The other person can be mad all they want, but that doesn’t mean you have to mad right back.” Let them be mad. Let them be wrong. That’s their choice.
  2. Set FIRM boundaries. Start out by saying, “We’d love to come for a holiday meal, but [insert boundary here].” For example: “We would only come if you agreed to only non-denominational prayer and no religious sermons.” or “If you don’t mind, me and my family will be quiet during the prayer, but we won’t pray with you. If you do mind, I’m afraid we won’t be able to participate.” (Exchange we for I, etc)
  3. Politely decline invitations to church (unless you’re curious what they get up to). If you do accept an invitation to a religious ceremony, be up-front about why you’re going (curiosity, just to be around family, and so on) so there are no expectations of conversion later on. Also, be super careful the whole church thing isn’t a trap for an exorcism or some crazy shit. Only you know your own family’s level of crazy, and if you think they might try something like that – decline, decline, decline. “Oh, no thank you.” If you feel you need an excuse, add to that, “I have something going on that night that can’t be canceled.”
  4. Be very clear, precise, up-front, and unemotional about your expectations and what you will and will not put up with. The more emotional you make it, the more dramatic and emotional it will become. Be comfortable and at peace with your choices and leave the emo-bullshit to everyone else.
  5. Try to turn everyone’s focus to the food, family, and fun as opposed to religious observance. (This is the beauty of having a secular and/or jack-Christian family. It’s already about food, family, and fun at that point.)
  6. Host a secular holiday event at your place or in tandem with another family member who doesn’t want to deal with the religious aspects of it, and just be unavailable for the actual holiday. Make it a potluck, and choose a few games to play, keeping religion completely out of it.

Of course, all of this said, I do know people who refuse to celebrate any form of Christmas, secular or not, and you can do that, too. Personally, I celebrate Solstice and Yule with my Daemonolatry and Pagan families, and secular Christmas with my atheist husband and immediate family. Do what is right for you and your situation. The Daemonic won’t smote you or be pissed off because you went to a Catholic mass with your 96-year-old grandmother just to spend time with her. Daemons are not Christian “devils” and they’re not at war with the Christian God and “angels” any more than I’m a Mormon taxidermist. ::sardonic grin::

Good luck and may the odds ever be in your favor. Cheers and Happy December!

Using Multiple Tools

This month seems to have slipped right through my fingers. Over the past few months I have been finding myself using different oracle decks both in my professional work and in my daily practice, to help me gain a different perspective on things. I have even been using them in conjunction with my tarot cards while doing reads for clients.

Why should you use multiple tools if one is working well enough? Each deck, sigil, or rune has its own energy and in my experience, personality. Sometimes we need to have more than one opinion or take on a situation and just like we might speak with multiple doctors before undertaking a serious treatment, we can view using multiple tools as Divination’s equivalent to this approach.

Not all tools will like working with others. My Arthurian deck gives off a very negative vibe when I have tried pairing it with other decks, whereas my Ceremonial Magick deck and my Witches’ Tarot seem to have no issue if I am using my Earth Magick oracle or my Dukante sigil deck. I have found that the additional information that this gives me has made for more thorough readings and happier clients. Of course you have to keep in mind your audience when using different tools. Some people might get a bit upset if you pull out a deck of Daemons to enhance their reading! LOL

Try starting with 2 tools that you know well and that you have an established relationship with. I usually pull a few cards from one deck, read those and then use the alternative tools to give deeper clarification. There is no limit to how many tools that you can use in this technique, as long as you don’t get too bogged down in the process.

Using this approach has definitely helped my accuracy and moving forward I will continue to play to see which tools compliment each other best.

December 2021 Tarotscope

Welcome to December’s Tarotscope! I’m sipping a hot coffee as I write this, a heater running by my feet. Winter has arrived where I live, bringing with it half a foot of snow. Colorful lights now adorn the windows of our neighborhood in anticipation of a variety of holidays. May yours look as beautiful.

This month I’m using the Smith-Waite Tarot Deck, borderless edition. I looked for a decent, reasonably-priced printing of Smith and Waite’s deck for some time – and I finally found my match! Produced by the US Game System in 2017, it uses crisp lines and bright colors that reproduce Smith’s artwork in vivid detail. Just as importantly, the thick cardstock snaps beautifully and shuffles well for a mass-produced deck. I only wish it had come in something sturdier than a cheap tuck box. This deck immediately went into regular rotation!

All Signs – Strength Reversed; Aries – Justice Reversed; Taurus – King of Swords Reversed; Gemini – 6 of Pentacles; Cancer – Knight of Swords Reversed.

All Signs – Strength Reversed – We frequently go full throttle in December to meet year-end deadlines or to please loved ones with gifts and gatherings. Sadly, the weight of those obligations can strangle the joy out of the festivities, and many of us find ourselves depending on coffee, cigarettes, or other substances to coast through the occasion. Who hasn’t heard the joke about needing wine to last through Christmas dinner with the inlaws? While a glass or two rarely hurts, Strength Reversed cautions us not to lean too hard into our vices this month. The lion may seem tame, but remember his innate ferocity.

Aries – Justice Reversed – Be careful not to jump to conclusions this month, Aries! Situations arise this December where you’ll find it difficult to make decisions from an unbiased standpoint. You may want to go with your heart, but does your heart have all the facts? Get a firm grip on the details before you bring your foot down.

Taurus – King of Swords Reversed – A decision this month demands full use of both your logic and emotional wisdom, Taurus. If you base your choice on reason alone, without considering the feelings of others, you may be seen as cold, even cruel. Weigh the impact on everyone involved before making your move this December. That way you can avoid any damage in the future.

Gemini – Six of Pentacles – Those in need come with hands out in December. Luckily, the holiday season has put you in a giving mood. Just remember to treat yourself as generously as everyone else, Gemini. Energy and resources must circulate back to you to keep you healthy, through rest and self-care.

Cancer – Knight of Wands Reversed – Tempers flare when you run into unexpected obstacles in December. Rather than continue bashing your head into a wall, Cancer, step back and try using it instead. Give yourself a break to let your anger clear, and then plan a way through or around this barrier that can put your determination to work.

Leo – Star Reversed; Virgo – 9 of Pentacles Reversed; Libra – Ace of Swords; Scorpio – Nine of Cups Reversed.

Leo – Star Reversed – Careful not to flirt with overspending in your efforts to create the perfect holiday. Leo, could you be using gifts to distract from your vulnerability? Rather than pouring water in overflowing rivers, try addressing the source of the issue by caring for yourself instead. Every man, woman, and person is a star – including you.

Virgo – Nine of Pentacles Reversed – You find yourself with an ethical problem when you receive an unexpected and possibly expensive gift this December. Although you’re under no obligation to return the present, it’s all too easy to feel indebted or worry about the politeness of the exchange. Just remember the doors to your gilded cage are open, Virgo. You can always walk away from your gift and all the strings attached to it.

Libra – Ace of Swords – While many wind down 2021, you’ve already set your sights on January. You’re looking at how far you’ve come this year and picturing what’s needed to take you higher. Take the time to make plans to maximize next year’s potential. Your goals are within your grasp, Libra – imagine it.

Scorpio – Nine of Cups Reversed – Although the festive season provides many reasons to celebrate, Scorpio, it’s not fun you crave this December. Instead, you want a very special gift under the tree – and nothing else will do. Communicate your desires clearly, but discuss any dissatisfaction tactfully. A little appreciation for the efforts of loved ones will preserve the joy of the holidays.

Sagittarius – 8 of Cups; Capricorn – 2 of Cups; Aquarius – Ace of Wands; Pisces – 8 of Pentacles Reversed.

Sagittarius – Eight of Cups – The first whiff of sugar cookies nearly sends you running for the hills this year, Sagittarius. The thought of the food, the presents, the socializing… It overwhelms you. Recognize you need time away and schedule it whenever possible. It will make the remaining moments together all the more pleasant for everyone involved. 

Capricorn – Two of Cups – Seasonal gatherings deepen old connections and spark new alliances this December. Watch out for mutual interests and desires to bring parties together. Don’t take this kind of connection for granted. They are worth celebrating, holidays or not.

Aquarius – Ace of Wands – Many people wait until January to start new projects, but not you, Aquarius! The chance to create something fresh and exciting sparks passion in your life that you can’t ignore. You seized the opportunity to turn an idea into concrete reality and it will guide you through December.

Pisces – Eight of Pentacles Reversed – Faced with an abundance of seasonal pressures and holiday treats, you’re tempted to both slack off and overindulge this month, Pisces. While these satisfy in the short term, their consequences could last well into the new year. Don’t worry about perfection and just get moving. Good habits start with a single action.

That’s the end of this month’s Tarotscope. Hopefully, this look at the Smith-Waite Tarot Deck provided you with some insight for December. For a free daily draw, follow me on Instagram or Facebook. If you need a more confidential reading, you can find my listings for Tarot, Lenormand, or Demonic Sigil readings here and on my website. Of course, as always, my two books remain listed on Amazon

May you have an excellent solstice, Rite to Belial, and any other holiday you happen to celebrate the season!



The Transforming Power of Demons and Gods

People are all the time asking how demons can get them things, money, sex, fame, etc. When you work with demons for any amount of time, you will notice that regardless the nature of the demon you call upon, if you pay attention, you will realize an alchemy taking place within you. Your personality will shift by degrees, to align more with the essence of the demon, and you will gain knowledge you didn’t have before. I believe the true meaning of “This demon can turn any metal into gold” means that the demon can help you hone each of your aspects until you are a much more valuable version of yourself than before. In essence, helping you perfect yourself and attain a higher state of being. The same is true of any gods or goddesses you invoke. They have a similar effect on the mage, causing changes in personality, perception, and energy levels. This brings us to the next level of understanding:

“Reality as we know it arises in the mind. By transforming the mind, reality is transformed. By controlling the mind, reality is controlled. By commanding the mind, reality is commanded.” -Donald Tyson in his book Grimoire of the Necronomicon.

       The reason I brought up the quote from Donald Tyson’s book, transformation and perfection of the self is the true goal of all ceremonial magick paths. As the leader of the Order of the Old Ones, (a coven based on the above mentioned book) I see this process of alchemy take place first hand. Through working with the gods and demons of the Necronomicon Traditions, the members learn a little bit more each day, hone their skills and abilities, until a state of enlightenment and attainment takes hold. The same process happens outside our Order through many spiritual paths. So the next time you feel drawn to this demon or that, even if you do not have a perceived need, reach out to them and keep the process of transformation and perfection in mind. It will make your interaction with the demons and your world in general start aligning with this greater goal, turning metal into gold…. Blessings of Azathoth upon you.