The Evil Eye

I have been getting a great deal of email about “being cursed” lately, so I thought I’d write some articles about various types of curses to help people uncurse themselves. Some of these articles will also be included in the forthcoming Daemonolater’s Guide to Protection & Psychic Self-Defense. The evil eye is one of those “curses” that people often feel like they’ve been the target of.

Have you ever been afflicted with bad luck, despite all your attempts to ward it off? If so, some folks would say you may be suffering from the Evil Eye.

What is the Evil Eye?

The Evil Eye is basically where the castor causes harm to others through their concentrated energy of jealousy, anger, and/or hatred. This also means that anyone can cast the Evil Eye on someone else — it doesn’t have to be a witch or magician. In many parts of the world, it is still feared and respected as a method capable of inflicting harm on its victims. I would even venture to say that the Evil Eye is the most COMMON type of curse people are afflicted by.

The effects of the Evil Eye can vary depending on who casts it and why they cast it. Some people suggest that these effects could include:

  • Physical symptoms such as headaches, chills, tiredness, uneasiness, dizziness, nausea and loss of appetite;
  • Psychological symptoms such as fearfulness or anxiety; and
  • Circumstantial problems such as accidents or setbacks in business or relationships.

Even though no two people fully experience the same thing when cursed with the Evil Eye, it is said that it could have serious long-term consequences that should never be ignored.

Fortunately, there are ways to protect oneself against the sinister power of the Evil Eye. Superstitions around what releases positive energy include:

  • Wearing jewelry like talismans or charms featuring good luck symbols like hamsa hands;
  • Carrying crystals like tigers eye for protection;
  • Washing one’s face with lemon water during times when negative energy is likely present;
  • Making offerings to deities that specialize in thwarting evil curses;
  • Chanting calming mantras;
  • Placing bells near doorways to chase away negative spirits;
  • Burning incense daily for purification;
  • Keeping flowers nearby for their healing powers; and
  • Meditating regularly on letting go of fear if ever under attack by jealous forces.

All of these simple steps can lead towards a safer life free from possible malicious attacks from haters – even if you don’t know these people personally.

Some Daemons to Help Release the Evil Eye:

Your Matron or Patron is always a good source of protection regardless the type of curse allegedly cast upon you. However, you can also work with Agaliarept, Amducius, Asmoday, Bathin, Focalor (my personal favorite), Halphas, Malphas, Sabnock (another of my favorites), Seere, Tezrian, and Vepar to name a few. All of these Daemonic forces are great for protection.

But how do you know if the evil eye has *actually* been cast in your direction?

Well, that’s not always an easy answer, so when you feel like something is wrong, it can never hurt to do a negativity banishing or protection. I recommend all magicians have pre-emptive wards and protections in place, as well as a regular banishment of negativity schedule.

But let’s take a moment to discuss some symptoms, or at least a few signs that this may have taken place. Many people feel they have been cursed when they experience unexplained illness or bad luck in life, particularly if these negative events do not seem to resolve – even after good decisions have been made and continue to be made. Other signs of being affected by the evil eye may include a sudden decrease in money or resources, feeling fatigued despite getting adequate rest as well as an unexplainable fear that something bad is about to happen. Now, don’t be quick to dismiss anxiety or panic disorder as potential causes of how you’re feeling – or the fact that maybe you’re coming down with a cold so your body is feeling fatigue because it’s fighting a virus. Normal, everyday illness is just life — not necessarily a curse.

I guess the question you need to ask yourself is whether or not you have a hater. Is someone jealous of you? Angry with you? Are they putting a lot of effort into slandering or libeling you to whoever will listen? Are they going out of their way to hate on you? Have you taken up free rental space in their head? If yes, that can sometimes be all it takes for any random person to unleash the evil eye on you. And since this is a common thing in our modern time – chances are there’s someone out there sending negative energy your way.

The upside of this is that various cultures the world over have charms for warding the evil eye and there are plenty of protection spells and wards that catch all that nasty energy from your haters and catapult it right back at them, burn it up, or alchemize it into good luck for you and yours. For some spells/rituals along these lines, you really want the book The Preeminent Curse (a cheaper paperback version is available to my Newsletter Subscribers). The Daemonolater’s Guide to Protection and Psychic Self-Defense is slated for release later this year.

Some rather basic magick to ward against this kind of negativity can include sprinkling sea salt around one’s home (especially outside doorways), or asperging with rosemary sprigs dipped in salted water. Some also believe that carrying crystals/stones such as quartz or lapis lazuli can further protect one from the negativity of others.

How to Make a Charm Against the Evil Eye

One way to thwart the effects of the Evil Eye is to create a charm by using blue eye beads (or black eye beads) or the Hamsa Hand, which is an open palm image resembling a hand with three fingers pointing up. The symbol has been used as a sign of protection throughout many cultures, including Mediterranean and Middle Eastern countries. The Hamsa Hand can be used alone or with the blue or black eye beads. To use this charm in breaking off its curse, one can attach eye beads around the Hamsa Hand – this will act as your defensive shield against any negative energy that may come your way.

Or, you can just make a charm by adding a blue or black eye bead to a necklace or bracelet. Or a Hamsa hand. Your choice. If the charm breaks – it is said that it thwarted the evil eye.

Another method I’ve seen involves tying seven knots into a red cord or thread while chanting prayers to protection Daemons before knotting each one. This red thread should be worn around your neck or wrist (or kept in a pocket or purse) as your own personal protection while out in public or spaces where you could potentially come into contact with someone who wishes you harm. Additionally, people often place these symbols in their homes above doorways for additional protection against any unwanted attention coming their way. Kind of like some people will place protection sigils or even Daemonic sigils of protectorate Daemons above their doorways.

What about Internet Protection?

For what it’s worth you could simply post pictures of protective sigils or amulets to your social media spaces, and perform blessings over your phone, computer, or tablet on a regular basis to guard yourself from negativity entering your space via the internet.

Feel free to share your own methods for protection against the evil eye in the comments below!

Servitor Creation

Today’s article will help you create and customize a powerful servitor to serve your needs. Together, we’ll explore the potential of this particular magic.

How to create a servitor

Creating a servitor can be an effective form of magical practice. It is a form of magic where a practitioner deliberately creates an artificial life form using their own will and intention. Unlike other types of magical entities, such as egregores or thoughtforms, servitors are created with the sole purpose of performing predetermined tasks. This article will provide you with the necessary steps needed to create one.

First and foremost, you must decide on the purpose of your servitor. What do you want it to do? A servitor can be used for a variety of tasks such as guard duty, attending to minor errands or even gathering information for you. Be specific in your intent as this will determine how effectively your servitor performs its duty.

The second step is to name your servitor and create its physical appearance in your imagination or draw it on paper if so desired. Select powerful words and symbols that embody the energy that you are trying to infuse into the entity during its creation process. These words or symbols can come from different sources such as sacred texts, literature or personal epiphanies that you’ve had during meditation sessions or daydreaming moments.

Thirdly, call upon any deities/entities (including yourself) that you deem helpful in providing power, protection and guidance for the successful creation of your servitor before beginning the actual creation process itself. This includes Daemonic entities if you so choose. Or you can skip this step altogether because it’s not 100% necessary.

Fourthly, direct energy into your thoughtform while visualizing what it looks like and what tasks it is performing until it feels alive. Remember not to rush this step since charging it up takes time depending on how much power you put into forming and charging up the entity itself!

Lastly write down instructions describing exactly what duties this sentience is responsible for so that it knows what its place is within your magical practice.

What to do with your servitor

Using magical practices to create and work with servitors, thoughtforms or egregores can be a powerful tool and tremendously rewarding. Through use of visualization, imagination and will-power, you are able to create a personalized energy being for multiple purposes. When properly taken care of and nurtured, this being can serve as a source of inspiration, healing or creativity.

As mentioned above, your servitor should be given an identity based on their specific purpose and given the power to move energy in appropriate directions. Visualize the type of energy your creation should possess – for example for healing give it the ability to bring light and warmth; for protection see it surrounded by walls of fire or ice; or build upon the strength and courage of an animal totem. Additionally, imagine its form – human-like in an astral plane or embodying a certain symbolism – mastering these aspects will help your servitor grow stronger in its ability to act on your behalf.

It is also important to develop a plan of action when dealing with your servitor including what commands it should follow as well as its limits – provide clear instructions that define their boundaries in terms of their abilities (to prevent any problems they may cause). Once the plan is set in place show appreciation by giving thanks when it completes tasks efficiently along with acknowledging its individuality. Regular rituals conducted through physical objects such as dolls, fetishes or amulets will help reinforce its purpose and empower it further. (See maintenance and feeding below.)

Finally, make sure that when tasks are completed your servitors’ mission is fulfilled by thanking them and releasing them from service so they can move on once again become part of all that is.

A Recap of Potential Purposes for your Servitor

  • Protection
  • Gathering information
  • Drawing opportunities (be specific which opportunities you want it to draw)
  • Healing
  • Removing negativity from your space
  • Companionship
  • Finding lost things
  • Influencing others

Maintenance of your servitor

In order to properly maintain your servitor, it is important to follow routine feeding and care instructions. A servitor needs energy “food” to survive and regular maintenance in order to function optimally. Without the proper attention, a servitor’s lifespan may be shortened, it will fizzle out and disappear, or its abilities will become limited. Here are some tips for maintaining your servitor:

  • Feeding Your Servitor: Regular feeding is essential for keeping your Servitor healthy and providing it with the energy and direction it needs to perform its duties effectively. So, make a schedule and stick to it. Feeding will consist of visualizations and imbuing the servitor with the right energy.
  • Recharging Energy: Remember that every day, as servitors use their energy reserves while performing tasks, that needs to be replenished at some point. Some people will simply acknowledge their servitors daily, or talk to them like they’re actual beings. This visualization and interaction will often be enough to keep a servitor functional for as long as the magician wishes.

Maintaining a regular feeding/recharging schedule will help ensure that your servitor stays healthy and running optimally, serving you faithfully for as long as you need the servitor.

Out with the old, In with the new

This time of year is filled with ceremony and ritual. Tonight, we say goodbye to what was a very challenging year for many and get ready to welcome a new year full of possibilities. In our home candles play a huge role in setting the mood as well as aiding in heralding one year out and the new year in. One of the candle rituals that we do is an end to end candle burning to set fire to the negative and to act as a beacon to positive energy and opportunities.

You will need a taper candle that has been modified to have wick showing on both ends, a lighter, a metal bowl or chalice to rest the candle on lengthwise, and a plate or tray to place under the chalice/bowl to catch the dripping wax.

Take 10 minutes or so and reflect on any blockages or obstacles that the current year brought with it and that are still bothering you. Then light the candle on the left side, imagining that the flame is burning those issues away and acting as a protective force not allowing those issues to move forward.

Just know that if your blockages came from lessons that you needed to learn, but you refused to, this candle spell will not interfere with them. These lessons will most likely follow you into the new year and be magnified until you stop ignoring them and do the work!

Next focus on your goals and wishes for the upcoming year and light the right side of the candle. This flame lights the path towards you for those things that you wish to manifest in the coming year.

Allow the candle to pully burn away and then if you are into divination, feel free to see what images you see in the melted wax.

May the Daemonic Divine bring you and yours an amazing 2023!

Simple Candle Magic for Beginners

What is candle magic?

Candle magic is one of the most simple and versatile forms of magic. It can be used for a wide variety of purposes, from attracting love to improving your finances. All you need to get started is a candle, some matches, and a bit of concentration. (You can also use oils and have a knife or carving tool ready)

The most important thing to remember when working with candles is that they are essentially tools. It is your intention that gives them power, not the candles themselves. With that in mind, let’s take a look at some basic candle magic techniques that you can use to achieve your goals.

Choosing a Candle

When selecting a candle for your spell or ritual, it’s important to choose one that reflects your intention. For example, if you are looking to attract love, you would want to choose a pink or red candle. If you are trying to improve your financial situation, you might choose a green candle. You can also find candles specifically designed for magic, which often come in different colors, each color corresponding to a different purpose.

Dressing the Candle

You can dress the candle by using an oil for a specific purpose or demon and, starting in the middle, put oil on your thumb and forefinger, and spread the oil over the surface of the candle from the center outward. From the center to the top and the center to the bottom. After this, some people may roll the candle in corresponding herbs (to the intention of the candle).

Carving the Candle

You may carve the candle with a sigil, name, or word reflecting your intention.

Setting Your Intentions

Before you light your candle, take a few moments to think about what it is you want to achieve. Once you have clarity on your goal, hold the candle in your hands and state your intention out loud. For example: “I am attracting abundance into my life” or “I am opening myself up to new opportunities”. Be specific and direct in your language so that there is no confusion about what it is you are trying to manifest.

Lighting the Candle
Once you have set your intention, it’s time to light the candle. You can use any type of match or lighter, but some people prefer to use magical methods such as using a quartz crystal or Wooden wandto strike the self-igniting charcoal briquettes . If using matches or a lighter, simply hold the flame to the wick until it lights. Once the candle has been lit, allow it to burn for at least five minutes before blowing it out.

The basics of candle magic

It is a form of sympathetic magic, which means that it works by using color correspondences and intention to achieve your goal. Candle magic is easy, versatile, and can be used for a variety of purposes.

What you need

To do candle magic, you will need:

  • Candles
  • A holder for the candles
  • A fireproof surface on which to place the holder
  • Matches or a lighter
  • Oils
  • Carving tool or knife

Other Considerations:

The type of candle you use is not as important as the intention you put into it. You can use regular paraffin candles, beeswax candles, or even LED candles if you want something for the long term.

When you are choosing a holder for your candle, make sure it is made of non-flammable material and is stable so that it will not tip over easily. The holder should also be big enough to catch any dripping wax.

The surface on which you place your holder should be fireproof. A metal tray or plate works well for this purpose. If you are using a glass holder, make sure to put it on a non-flammable surface in case it shatters.

You will also need matches or a lighter to light your candle. Do not use anything else to light your candle as this could cause injury or start a fire.

Simple candle spells

A spell to attract love

This spell is perfect for those who are looking for new love or hoping to reignite the passion in their current relationship. You will need:
-One pink candle
-One white candle
-One red candle
-A piece of rose quartz
-A piece of paper
-A pen


On the piece of paper, write your name and your heart’s desire. For example, you could write “I am open to love” or “I attract my perfect partner”.

Place the piece of paper under the pink candle.

Place the rose quartz on top of the paper.

Light the pink candle and allow it to burn for a few minutes. As you do, visualize yourself surrounded by love and light. See yourself in a happy, healthy relationship (or see your current relationship being filled with love and passion). Feel the emotions of happiness, love, and gratitude.

When you’re ready, extinguish the flame (don’t blow it out).

A spell for good luck

This is a very basic spell that doesn’t require any special tools or ingredients. All you need is a green candle and the power of your own intention.


Sit in a comfortable position and hold the green candle in your hands.

Visualize yourself surrounded by a bright, white light.

See the light filling you up with feelings of happiness, success, and good luck.

Repeat the following affirmation out loud:
“I am surrounded by good luck. Everything I do is blessed with success.”

Blow out the candle and release your visualization.

A spell to banish negativity

This is a simple spell that you can do at any time to cleanse your space of negative energy.

You will need:
-1 white candle
-1 black candle
-Matches or a lighter


  1. Light the black candle and say aloud, “I banish all negativity from my life.”
  2. Visualize all the negative energy in your life being sucked into the candle.
  3. Let the black candle burn for a few minutes, then snuff it out.
  4. Light the white candle and say aloud, “I fill my life with positive energy.”
  5. Visualize all the positive things you want in your life coming to you.
  6. Let the white candle burn all the way down.

Adding Demons

Add demons to spells based on purpose. You can carve sigils into the candles, or demonic names. Or place their seals beneath the candle holders. You can also dress the candles with herbs and oils made for specific demons.

Planning Magickal Work for the New Year

It’s that time again to do a year in review and ask yourself what magick you may be wanting to work next year. I find it helpful to have the following at the ready:

  • A Yearly Planner – dedicated to your magickal work.
  • An Astrological Planner – if magickal timing is important to you, or you want to harness particular planetary aspects. (I am a fan of the Llewelyn Astrological Pocket Planner.)
  • A list of your favorite Daemons to work with for every purpose
  • A list of things you want to address in the new year. Think of mundane things, absolutely, but also think about bad habits you may want to break, or changes in perception or thinking that you’d like to make. Or maybe you want to draw new people or opportunities into your life.

Once you have all of this in front of you, it will be much easier to prioritize which things you want to tackle first and you can begin planning your magickal work in your planner/notebook.

Perhaps instead you want to learn a new skill. The key then becomes working a new skill into your schedule/calendar and then finding ways to stay motivated to practice that skill, or learn all you can about a particular subject.

For those of you interested in a year end review workbook with some planning pages, you’re welcome to join my reader group on FB to download your free PDF and access other free planning tools. You might also want to take the class: Establishing Your Daily Practice and Planning Your Magickal New Year.

New Books: How to Draw Friends & Sacrifice Toxic People and Four Daemon Queens

Four Daemon Queens

In Four Daemon Queens, discover the transformational power of working with Hecate, Lilith, Tezrian, and Delepitoré. This grimoire covers a wide range of workings with these Divine Intelligences, and offers inspiration to those looking to connect with the divine feminine.




How to Draw Friends and Sacrifice Toxic People

You can remove toxic people from your life.
You can draw successful and interesting friends.
You can turn any situation to your favor.

With advice on dealing with people, and over 40 spells you can work to manifest your will, every witch and magician can have stellar working relationships with others, a supportive group of friends, and a lack of toxic people around them. Inspired by modern business books, but for witches and magicians, How to Draw Friends & Sacrifice (as in making sacred the relationships that no longer serve us and letting them go) Toxic People will be a go-to spell book for anyone who aspires to less drama and more success in their interactions with others.




Practical Psychic Self Defense


The aim of this article is to provide practical guidance on how to protect yourself from psychic attack. It is based on the premise that we are all surrounded by an invisible world of energy, and that some of this energy can be harmful to us.

Most people are unaware of the invisible world, and so they are defenseless against it. But there are things that you can do to protect yourself. This article will teach you how to recognize psychic attack, and how to deal with it effectively.

What is Psychic Self-Defense?

Psychic self-defense is a set of techniques and practices used to protect oneself from psychic attacks, energetic manipulation, and negative Influence.

Psychic self-defense is not about warding off evil spirits or fighting spells. It is about developing a strong sense of personal boundaries and self-awareness, so that you can protect yourself from anyone who would try to violate your energy field.

There are many different techniques that can be used for psychic self-defense. Some of the most common include:

• Developing your own personal energy field: This can be done through practices like meditation, visualization, and energy work. When your energy field is strong and well-protected, it will be more difficult for negative energies to penetrate it.

• Clearing your space: This involves using methods like smudging (burning Sage or other herbs), setting up an altar with protective symbols, or using essences and oils to clear the energy in your space.

• Shields and defense mechanisms: There are many different ways to create energetic shields around yourself. Some common methods include visualizing a shield of light around you, using affirmations and positive statements, or holding crystals or other protective stones close to your body.

• Dissolvingattachments: If you think you have picked up an unwanted attachment (an entity that has attached itself to your energy field), there are several methods that can be used to dissolve the attachment and release it from your system. These includevisualization, prayer, Reiki healing, and using specific crystals or herbs.

Psychic self-defense is an important skill for anyone who is interested in energy work, spiritual development, or working with others on a deep level. By learning how to protect yourself energetically, you can prevent burnout, anxiety, and emotional manipulation.

The Three A’s of Psychic Self-Defense

The three A’s of Psychic Self-Defense are:

  • Awareness: Knowing what is happening around you.
  • Action: Doing something about it.
  • Assistance: Getting help when needed.

How to Develop Your Own Psychic Shield

There are many ways to develop your own psychic shield. One way is to imagine yourself surrounded by white light. This light can be visualization or mental projection. Another way is to say a prayer or affirmation that asks for protection from negative energy. You can also work with specific stones and crystals that have properties that can help to protect you from psychic attack.

Tips for Strengthening Your Psychic Shield

Below are some tips for strengthening your psychic shield:

-Set the intention to create a strong, impenetrable shield around you.
-Visualize your shield as a bright, white light that surrounds and protects you.

-Focus on being grounded andcentered.
-Release any fear or negative energy that you are holding onto.
-Strengthen your connection to your higher power or guides.
-Trust your intuition and inner guidance.


Now that you are familiar with the basics of psychic self-defense, you can begin to put these techniques into practice in your own life. Remember, the best defense is a strong offense. The more you work to develop your own psychic ability, the better equipped you will be to handle any negative energy that comes your way.

Author’s Note: Initially I had intended to try to write this as a book but realized it is only an article. When I took it off my hard drive and cut and paste it into the blog, I forgot to change the word book to article. That has been rectified. Sometimes you think you’re writing a book and it’s an article. It happens. – F

Four Daemon Queens

Available Now!

In Four Daemon Queens, discover the transformational power of working with Hecate, Lilith, Tezrian, and Delepitoré. This grimoire covers a wide range of workings with these Divine Intelligences and offers inspiration to those looking to connect with the divine feminine.

Get it Now: Amazon

The Basics of Necromancy

What is Necromancy?

Necromancy is the art of communicating with the dead – either to summon their spirit or raise them bodily – in order to gain information usually. It is often associated with black magic and evil, but this is not the case. Necromancy has been practiced throughout history and across cultures for a variety of purposes.

Necromancers may summon the dead for any number of reasons: to ask for their guidance, to gain insight into the future, or simply to communicate with those they have lost. The dead may also be raised for their help, like to destroy an enemy, or help the magician find opportunity.


The first step in necromancy is to summon the spirit of the deceased. In some traditions, this can be done by calling out their name, chanting their name repeatedly, or by summoning them through a divination device such as a crystal ball or spirit board. Once the spirit has been summoned, it can be asked questions or commanded to do certain tasks.

In Daemonolatry, we will often ask one of the Death Daemonic to escort the correct spirit forward to save time and lessen the chances of a more malevolent spirit coming through.

Discernment when working with spirits is encouraged.


The second and more questionable (as in – is it real) type of necromancy is raising a dead body from its grave. If this is, in fact possible, it would requires a great deal of power and, if horror films are to be believed, often results in monstrous creatures known as zombies. lol

It is because of the mythology of raising the dead that necromancy is often considered a dangerous and feared art. Though all practitioners, beginners and experienced alike should be warned: Necromancers should be careful not to abuse their power or they may incur the wrath of the dead. Wrath of the dead is a real thing. Piss them off, or piss off a necromancer with their servile dead, and you could regret it. (I know this sounds like a thing of fiction, but I have known a mage or two who have dead servitors.)

The History of Necromancy

Necromancy is a practice that dates back to the ancient world.

The actual origins of necromancy are uncertain, but it is thought to have originated in Africa or Asia. It was likely first practiced by shamanic cultures as a way to contact the spirit world. Necromancy then spread to Europe, where it was practiced by the Greeks and Romans. Much like cursing, and magick overall, I view it as a HUMAN tradition because you can find instances of necromancy in every culture in every corner of the world.

Necromancy fell out of favor in medieval Europe, becoming associated with black magic and witchcraft. However, it continued to be practiced in other parts of the world. In recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest in necromancy, as people seek to reconnect with loved ones who have passed.

The Different Types of Necromancy

Believe it or not, there are a few subset types of necromancy, each with its own focus.

One type of necromancy is thanatology, which is the study of death and dying. This type of necromancy can be used to help the living deal with death, or to learn more about what happens to the soul after death. It’s often an area dominated by grief counselors and clergy (especially funerary priests in the traditional Daemonolatry realm).

Another type of necromancy is necrophagy, which is the practice of eating corpses. This type of necromancy is uncommon (and not encouraged by any sane practitioner), and allegedly can be used to gain power over the dead or give one the power of the person who passed. It was a more archaic tribal practice and, IMO, is best left to the halls of history.

In Daemonolatry we call our funerary priests (aka Sem Priests in some groups) necromancers since they make it their business to know every faucet of death, dying, grief, communicating with the dead, and working with the death Daemonic.

Necromancy in the Modern World

In the modern world, necromancy is often limited to the practice of communicating with the dead, and tit for tat exchanges where the dead will work for offerings (coins, tobacco, etc…) The rituals used to contact the dead are vast and varied depending on the tradition but here are a few still-practiced methods.

  • Writing letters to the dead.
  • Leaving offerings or candles on their graves.
  • Rituals that summon the dead by name.
  • Rituals where higher spirits escort spirits from the realm of the dead into the temple.
  • The practice of putting up ancestral altars to honor the dearly departed.
  • Asking the dead to visit one in one’s dreams.

The Ethics of Necromancy

While necromancy is still practiced by numerous traditions, there is still a great deal of debate surrounding its ethics. Some believe that necromancy is morally wrong because it violates the natural order of life and death. Others argue that necromancy can be performed ethically if it is done with respect for the dead and with the understanding that they are no longer alive and should not be treated as such.

There are many different ways to practice necromancy, and the most important thing is to be honest with yourself about your intentions and to be respectful of the dead, and the Death Daemonic if you’re working with them.

To learn more about Daemonolatry Necromancy

Guided Meditation Made Easy


Meditation is an effective way to focus and calm the mind, and there are many different types of meditation that can be practiced. Guided meditation is a popular type of meditation that involves following along with a audio track or script that leads you through the practice.

Guided meditations can be beneficial for beginners who are new to meditation, as well as experienced practitioners who are looking for a different type of practice. Guided meditations can be found on audio tracks, as well as online and in apps.

What is Guided Meditation?

Guided meditation is a process of relaxation that involves focusing on a particular thought, image, or feeling in order to achieve a state of calm and peace. Unlike other forms of meditation, guided meditation is typically done with the help of an experienced teacher or guide who can offer guidance and support throughout the process.

Guided meditation can be an effective tool for reducing stress, anxiety, and pain. It can also be used to improve sleep quality, increase energy levels, and promote overall wellbeing.

The Benefits of Guided Meditation

Guided meditation is a great way to ease into a meditation practice, especially if you are a beginner. When you have someone else leading the way, it can be easier to relax and let go of thoughts that are crowding your mind. Guided meditations can also help to focus your attention on a particular issue or goal that you are hoping to achieve.

There are many different benefits that have been associated with guided meditation, including:

-Reduced stress and anxiety
-Improved sleep quality
-Lower blood pressure
-Reduced symptoms of depression
-Greater feelings of well-being and calmness

How to Get Started with Guided Meditation

Now that you understand what guided meditation is and how it works, it’s time to learn how to get started. If you’ve never tried meditation before, guided meditation can be a great way to start.

  1. Choose a comfortable place to sit or lie down. You may want to use a yoga mat or sit in a comfortable chair. Make sure that your spine is straight and your body is relaxed.
  2. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Focus on your breath and allow your body to relax.
  3. Once you are feeling relaxed, start the guided meditation recording. If you are using an app, choose a guided meditation that suits your needs and hit play. Follow along with the recording, focusing on the narrator’s voice and breathing deeply.
  4. After the guided meditation is over, take a few moments to sit quietly and reflect on your experience. Notice how you are feeling physically and emotionally. Pay attention to any thoughts or emotions that arise during this time.

Tips for Successful Guided Meditation

There are a few things you can do to ensure that your guided meditation is successful. First, find a comfortable place to sit or lay down. You want to be able to relax your body and clear your mind, so it’s important to be in a comfortable position. Once you’re settled, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. Inhale slowly through your nose, filling your lungs with air. Exhale slowly through your mouth, letting all the air out. Repeat this several times until you feel yourself starting to relax.

Now that you’re relaxed, it’s time to focus on the present moment. Start by focusing on your breath. Feel the air moving in and out of your lungs. Notice the sensation of your chest expanding and contracting. Once you’re focused on your breath, you can start to notice other things around you. Listen to the sound of any nearby birds or traffic. Feel the warmth of the sun on your skin or the coolness of the breeze blowing through the trees. Pay attention to any smells in the air.

If your mind starts to wander, that’s okay! Justgentle notice where it goes and then bring your attention back to the present moment. The more you practice, the easier it will be to keep your focus on the here and now.

Guided Meditation Resources

There are many ways that you can get started with guided meditation, and there are also many resources available to help you. Here are some of the best resources for getting started with guided meditation:

  1. The Mayo Clinic offers a free online guided meditation program, which includes a variety of different exercises and techniques.
  2. The Huffington Post has a great article that outlines 10 different types of meditation, including guided meditation.
  3. Headspace is a popular app that offers both free and paid meditation programs, with the latter offering more personalized guidance.
  4. Smiling Mind is a free mindfulness and meditation program created specifically for children and young adults.
  5. Udemy offers a variety of different courses on meditation, including a course on guided meditation specifically.