The days have become much shorter than I would like them to be, and you can’t ignore the chill in the air. The beginning of the harvest time tends to be a busy one, with vacations ending, children going back to school, and in many areas, it is time to literally bring in the harvest to prepare for the cold months ahead. For me, as a practitioner; it is also a time to determine what has worked for me over the past year, both personally and magickally and make changes for the upcoming year.
When I have cut to the core of the issue and figure out what actions, beliefs, or approaches no longer serve me as well as they once did it is time to make an energetic cut from those things.
1 piece of black yarn 24 inches long
1 white candle
A mixture of crushed juniper, rosemary, dried red pepper, and a few drops of clary sage.
A fire safe bowl/candle holder.
Roll the candle in the herbs and sage mixture until it is encrusted. Then while wrapping the candle in the yarn repeat the following:
Twist and bind, bind and twist
A banishment to things that no longer fit.
To fire given, by flames consumed
These traits unneeded I now entomb.
Once the candle is wrapped place it in the fire safe bowl and allow it to burn down to nothing.
You can do this ritual whenever you feel that you need to be finished with anything that is holding you back.