Four Daemon Queens
In Four Daemon Queens, discover the transformational power of working with Hecate, Lilith, Tezrian, and Delepitoré. This grimoire covers a wide range of workings with these Divine Intelligences, and offers inspiration to those looking to connect with the divine feminine.

How to Draw Friends and Sacrifice Toxic People
You can remove toxic people from your life.
You can draw successful and interesting friends.
You can turn any situation to your favor.
With advice on dealing with people, and over 40 spells you can work to manifest your will, every witch and magician can have stellar working relationships with others, a supportive group of friends, and a lack of toxic people around them. Inspired by modern business books, but for witches and magicians, How to Draw Friends & Sacrifice (as in making sacred the relationships that no longer serve us and letting them go) Toxic People will be a go-to spell book for anyone who aspires to less drama and more success in their interactions with others.