Category: Sentinel

Meditations – so many choices.

Its Meditation this month. Meditation is something I am notoriously bad at. As my gran would say – “You’ve got ants in your pants !” There are so many diffeent types out there now to choose from. Guided meditation, Chaosphere meditation, Transcendental meditation (expensive), this meditation, that meditation. All requiring you to sit still, on […]


It’s been a strange month this month. Some things have hit home alarmingly hard. Earlier this month, a message came around my work place advising us of a voluntary redundancy package. I joked that I might go for it. I was told that if I was fourteen years older I could have, and probably got […]

Things I Wish I knew…..

There are so many things I wish I knew, I don’t know where to begin. Things just keep adding to the list, whether I like it or not. A post on this site on possession I was reading not five minutes ago has now raised the question of who are the ‘others’.  I could argue […]

Those Damn Christians Want Everything !

Demonic possession is a very old and much talked about subject. Before the advances of medicine and psychiatry, all mental illness was blamed on the demons ‘possessing God’s innocents’. However, there were some very interesting cases – The Nuns at Lourdes for example – not really explainable unless you start bringing in dubious ideas like mass hallucinations […]

Setting Magical Goals

Setting goals in magic is no different to setting goals for other ordinary hobbies. For instance, this year I have set myself the task of putting on an extra couple of kilo’s of muscle and to improve my jujitsu. This is acheivable. If on the other hand I set my goal to this year I […]


I thought I would take a different approach to “ritual”. Christmas (or Winterval, or The Holiday Season or whatever you want to call it) is here again, and I thought I would write about my rituals at Christmas (I still call it that) and my publish day is 25 December ! Christmas Eve. First thing, […]


I often wonder myself if I offer enough. I offer my prayers, thanks. My mind is more on the demons than off them.But still I believe I am mean in my offerings, and apologise for that. I have read that blood is a main offering, and the best way is a small ‘nick’ in the […]


I realise that this may not seem to have much to do with demonolatry, and for that I apologise but I believe that if I can get people thinking then my job is done.. For some reason I have been contemplating a lot about the current state of the human cause and its obsession with […]