Tarotscope for Mar 13 to Apr 11 2021 by William Briar
Hello again! Welcome to the first of my monthly Tarotscopes. In time for each New Moon, I hope to present you with a card reading for the upcoming lunar cycle. The decks and style of reading may vary, but the intent will always be the same: to provide the readers of demonolatry.org with guidance from the cards for the weeks ahead.
Here are the thirteen cards that I have pulled for March 13 to April 11, 2021. For this lunar cycle, I chose the Everyday Witch Tarot—though we are going without pictures this month due to a difficulty I encountered with WordPress. First month glitches!
The card representing all signs for this lunar period is the King of Cups. During this time, we may want to stop and reflect on our interactions with those around us. Are we watching from a distance instead of engaging to keep ourselves safe? Are we getting close only when we know we will receive a positive response? The King of Cups asks us to consider both the risks and rewards of emotional connection.

Aries – The Prince of Swords says an idea has seized you, and you have thrown everything aside to follow where it leads. The question is, Aries: does it lead to your goals or is it just an intellectual distraction? Some ideas are nice to entertain in your head but will only lead you off your path. Use your laser focus to assess which this is before taking any steps. Remember, you can journey down alternate routes later.
Taurus – Balance isn’t always easy to achieve. When Temperance shows up in your life, Taurus, it suggests the time has come to examine your work-play balance, especially in regards to how it impacts your health. Look at the levels of stress and joy in your life. Have you taken on too much? Conversely, are you bored? Try treating yourself to something new, even if it is just a different type of tea.
Gemini – Have you been ignoring your intuition? The High Priestess indicates the time has come to listen to your inner voice. Though it may not speak in facts and figures, it has something important to communicate—if you value its wisdom. Try sitting down with your favorite divination tool this lunar cycle. Haven’t tried reading before? Now is the time to expand your skills.
Cancer – You are poised for a new beginning. The Fool reminds you that you must make a decision sooner or later. Some hesitation is healthy, Cancer; hesitate too long and opportunities that may be perfect for you could be lost. Having weighed the options, you ultimately have to go with your gut and leap into the future.
Leo – When the Four of Wands turns up, you know it’s time to smile, Leo. This card predicts gatherings of friends and loved ones, either face-to-face or virtual, so get ready to share in some warmth and love during this lunar cycle. You or someone you know may even have a special milestone to celebrate. Been feeling disconnected? Now is the time to find like-minded individuals for socialization.
Virgo – The Queen of Swords says situations demand cool heads during this period, Virgo. However, others may find you emotionally distant in your efforts to get the job done. Balancing warmth with dependability isn’t always easy right now, but you’re the one people want in their corner. Your ability to diffuse tensions could be put to especially effective use this lunar cycle.
Libra – Kaboom! The Tower speaks of change you cannot get around, Libra, no matter what. The time has come to examine what has exploded and see what can be made from the pieces, for the worse—or for the better. Not all change is terrible, but it is unavoidable. Stride bravely forward and make something new of what has been offered. It may not feel like a gift, but you have the power to turn the situation to your advantage.
Scorpio – The Hanged Man suggests this is a period of suspension for you. You may feel as if you have hit a wall when it comes to reaching the next level of your growth. However, the Hanged Man is not truly trapped but holds the key to his own release. When this card appears, it is time to look at things from a different perspective and try something new. This could involve the sacrifice of your time to additional work or learning so you can arrive where you ideally wish to be. Remember, too, that all things need to rest as well. Is it time for a break?
Sagittarius – Have things gotten a little messy, Sagittarius? The Emperor suggests now is the time to bring some order and discipline to the situation and get it back on track. With a plan or dedication to a routine, you can meet the original target. Others are drawn to your authenticity and straight-forward manner this lunar cycle. Trust in your own strength, but keep in mind: no one likes a tyrant. Kindness and politeness go a long way.
Capricorn – Have you been waiting for a sign to try something new? Then the Page of Wands is it, Capricorn. This card represents your enthusiasm and excitement to walk a new path. Full of magic and fire, you’re ready to tackle challenges brought to you during this time. You may not have all the resources you need to achieve your goals yet, but you more than make up for it with your ambition. Can you hear adventure calling?
Aquarius – The Chariot is all about steering your own destiny. Turning over this card indicates you have a choice to make, Aquarius: which road will you take? But the Chariot won’t tell you which of these routes is the better one to pick. Instead, it stresses the importance of making the decision for yourself, to move forward by your own design. Know your own mind during this lunar cycle, without outside influence.
Pisces – Turning over the Empress says that this lunar cycle will be a fruitful time for you. As you near the Spring Equinox, look for a desire to connect with nature, both without and within. Take the time to nourish yourself and your own endeavors. Like the Earth, you are always growing and changing. If the winds of creativity blow a different way than usual for you this month, don’t fight it. Go with the flow!
I hope you’ve enjoyed this brief reading, and that it provides you with some insight for the coming lunar cycle. If you would be interested in a more in-depth Tarot, Lenormand, Oracle, or Daemonic Sigil reading, you can find my full listing here or on my website. I also share a glimpse into my personal readings (of all these varieties) daily on Instagram. You can also check out my books about Daemonolatry, here.
See you on April 11, if not a wee bit earlier, for the next Tarotscope!
– Will
Nicely done. When I had my own tarot page, tarotscopes were something everyone seemed to enjoy.
Love ir, thanks
Thank you, very accurate.