What I wish I knew…

Wow, where to begin with this.. Well first off with my past experience, I was more shamanic.. More nature based belief, and with that came with alot of limitations of how I was trained. Magick squares and numbers in magick. I find it fascinating now since I can basically use it for alot of things, back then I […]

April Updates

This month the bloggers discuss what they wish they would have known when they started out. Meanwhile, in the bookstore, we’ve done some revamping so it’s easier to find what you want. Audrey Brice’s new occult paranormal Into Darkness is finally available now for those of you who like contemporary occult fiction. It will be […]

Those Damn Christians Want Everything !

Demonic possession is a very old and much talked about subject. Before the advances of medicine and psychiatry, all mental illness was blamed on the demons ‘possessing God’s innocents’. However, there were some very interesting cases – The Nuns at Lourdes for example – not really explainable unless you start bringing in dubious ideas like mass hallucinations […]

Demonic Possession Doubts

I’m not a very big fan of the commonly held perception of Demonic possession. Even ignoring the fact that it perpetuates the negative stereotypes and misconceptions about the Daemons, I simply don’t think it’s very well thought out. To begin with, the very premise of non-consensual Demonic possession infers that the Daemon wishes to make […]