Hi there! I’m back a little earlier than anticipated. Instead of putting up a longer Tarotscope for the New Moon as planned, I’ve opted to create a shorter write-up in time for the beginning of the month. This is when I will post from now on. This month, I will be using The Fallen Angel […]
An article by HP, SP, HLP Mark Recently I was discussing different results of past rituals with a friend. They were complaining that many of their workings were falling flat when involving the Daemonic. Their background was more of a kitchen witch type than that of a ceremonial magician. As we continued our discussion I […]
April 2021 Tarotscope
Tarotscope for April 12 to May 10, 2021 Hello again! Is spring treating you right? It’s fickle where I am, where we can get snow up to May. That’s almost melted now, and the trees are budding. Gardeners can’t wait to get started. May you be just as excited for the next lunar cycle’s potential! […]
The Elements of Our Nature
Through the current of all Western occult schools of thought (including Daemonolatry) the elements (earth, air, fire, water) are ever present. A lot of LHP or “dark” practitioners tend to view it as white-light, fluffy bunny, Wicca stuff. But where do you think Wicca got it from? There are much older schools of magickal thought […]
And Throw in the Kitchen Sink
People seem to fall into two distinct categories when it comes to magickal work: go with the minimal approach and focus on obstacles incrementally or throw everything at the problem and its obstacles and hope something sticks. This issue extends to the popular push to work with multiple daemons at once. If one or two […]
Tarotscope for Mar 13 to Apr 11 2021
Tarotscope for Mar 13 to Apr 11 2021 by William Briar Hello again! Welcome to the first of my monthly Tarotscopes. In time for each New Moon, I hope to present you with a card reading for the upcoming lunar cycle. The decks and style of reading may vary, but the intent will always be […]
What We Sacrifice
This month I want to talk about the sacrifices we offer to the Daemonic in the form of making sacrifice for what we want. Generally, when people think of Satanic or Daemonic sacrifice, thanks to a plethora of 70’s and 80’s horror movies, they’re thinking the sacrifice of animals, babies, or virgins. Or some other […]
5 Ways to Draw Creativity into Your Rituals
This month’s topic is creativity and how we can utilize our creativity in our ritual work for more effective results. If you’d like to read more, check out The Art of Creative Magick. Also watch for the forthcoming book about Leviathan and the Demiurge. So let’s get into it, shall we? Five ways to draw […]
One-Off Magick vs. The Great Work
So I hadn’t intended to do a second post this month, but my inbox felt differently. Most of the time, when people come to me seeking magickal work or advice on magick, they have the same complaint: “My magick in the past hasn’t worked. I did a spell/ritual/pact to become famous, and nothing happened. Why?” […]
Headlong into a New Year
Can you believe it’s already January? We all want to jump into new habits and routines at the start of a new year. Even I was tempted to jump in and write 2000 words a day. That totally didn’t happen, and the Daemonic message I kept getting for myself was “Ease into the new year.” […]