Category: Alchemy

Alchemy of Goetia

The medieval magicians who wrote the grimoires encoded a beautiful alchemical synthesis into the sigils of the spirits they worked with. Join author S. Connolly as she explores the magickal and alchemical symbolism within the seals of the Goetia (and the Grimoirium Verum) and discover how this symbolism gives us insight into a spirit’s purposes and correspondences in a hidden language only the initiates understood. Paperbacks direct from our Printer Alchemy of Goetia: Perfect Bound Paperback – LULU (check for coupons!) Alchemy of Goetia: Perfect Bound Paperback Alchemy of Goetia Linen Wrap Hardcover Alchemy of Goetia Spiral Bound – AMAZON: […]

An Unedited Sneek Peek into The Alchemy of Goetia – Coming March 2024

The following is an unedited excerpt from Alchemy of Goetia by S. Connolly (DB Publishing), coming in 2024. It will give you an idea of the kind of information you’re in for when you buy this book. It also includes alchemical symbolism in animals and colors,and discusses how Alchemy and Goetia go hand-in-hand. You can […]

You Don’t Have to be Poor to be Spiritual

There was recently a conversation on one of my social media pages where another Daemonolater made it a point to reply to a pretty benign post (a link to Daemonic Prosperity Magick) about how they weren’t on this path for the money. It was purely spiritual for them. The virtue signaling was strong, suggesting anyone […]

Your Correspondences

In magick you often hear the phrase “As Above, So Below” and along those lines, the magician has their own correspondences just like the spirits do. Do you know what your correspondences are? Let’s find out. You Will Need: 1 Natal Chart Yourself Pen and Paper First, let’s figure out your element. By looking at […]

Water North – Water West?

A really common question came up on the blog today, and I’m sure I’ve covered it briefly somewhere in one of my books before, though I’ll be damned if I remember which one. So I thought I would address the question, because it’s a good one, and hopefully help to clear up confusion. Hello little […]

Connecting with the Daemonic

Connecting with the Daemonic Divine is more than just saying an invocation or drawing a sigil. It isn’t about pelting the Daemonic with offerings. It’s about building a relationship. That relationship isn’t based on you “hiring” a Daemon for their help. The relationship is based on creating a connection through hours upon hours of meditation, […]

Daemonolatry Products from Evil Twin Conjure

So while Sephira Alchemy will custom make any oil or incense you don’t find on our store pages, you might be able to find some of what you want over at Evil Twin Conjure.   They keep several Daemonic oils in stock (Lucifer, Belial, Belphegore, Hekate, Lilith, and Leviathan last I checked). Plus they sell […]