New from William Briar! Discover journey-work and explore the cosmos from a Daemonolatry perspective! Develop personal purification rituals, sharpen your astral senses, and build a temple in the Otherworld. Visit elemental realms and absorb their energies to balance and fortify yourself. Meet with familiars and mentors on the Daemonic plane. Daemonic Shamanism: A Beginner’s Guide […]
Category: Demonolatry
On Banishing
Cross-posted from my personal site. As stated in last month’s post about meditation, people often misunderstand my position on things because they may have only read a single book or two of mine. To fully understand my positions, however, it is often necessary to read my entire body of work. Just because I don’t beat something […]
New Release: Lake of Fire – A Daemonolater’s Guide to Ascension
Jump into the Abyss and learn to communicate and path work with the Daemonic Divine through ascension practice. In Lake of Fire: A Daemonolater’s Guide to Ascension, Daemonolatress S. Connolly discusses the practice of ascension in theory and technique. Included are ascension formulas, meditations, astral work, dream work, and fear facing rituals meant to help […]
When Demons Wear Masks
This week I worked with Foras, a demon who can teach us how to strengthen our minds as well as our bodies. And who wouldn’t want that? Me, apparently—or so I thought. Despite my best intentions and several attempts, I couldn’t connect with him at all. There are many reasons why my invocations might have […]
6 Reasons Daemonic Invocations Fail
[This post is cross-posted from] Okay, so I’m sure there are more than six reasons that a Daemonic invocation could fail (in the manifestation department, both literally and figuratively). There could be any number of reasons based on the exact circumstances of said invocation/evocation (pick your poison). But I’ve found there are six very […]
DB Publishing: New Year, New Books!
DB Publishing & Official Melissa have some fantastic offerings for you in the coming year. If you missed any of 2016’s offerings, check out the Daemonolater’s Guide series. Seven (so far) small guides with big results! Then there was the Book of Agares: A Manifestation Grimoire . In 2017, expect a few more Daemonolater’s Guides, as […]
Give 2017 A Magical and Spiritual Head Start With These Easy Tips
Pagans of all kinds set lofty goals at this time of year. Some will aim for the stars and end up with a handful of glitter instead. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. Despite what Master Yoda says, there’s value in effort alone. A magician who screws up a ritual is far more powerful than […]
GUEST POST: My Daemonolatry Journey
This is a Guest Post Written by Ange Ferude. I want to thank Ange for being so understanding about my oversight in posting this. It was supposed to go up in late July and I dropped the ball. Sorry about that Ange. To our regular readers, please enjoy the guest post! – Steph Greetings, […]
Evolution into what?
The other day I happened to defend the Book of Oberon from the idea that the king of Fairies is somehow a forgery of Daniel Herms and James. R Clark, by remembering the fact that his presence predates John Dee (which by any means wasn’t even intended to debate the person making the original affirmation […]
Daemonolatry Products from Evil Twin Conjure
So while Sephira Alchemy will custom make any oil or incense you don’t find on our store pages, you might be able to find some of what you want over at Evil Twin Conjure. They keep several Daemonic oils in stock (Lucifer, Belial, Belphegore, Hekate, Lilith, and Leviathan last I checked). Plus they sell […]