Category: Magick

Keys of Death

This booklet is ultimately a supplement to the forthcoming Keys of Ocat: A Grimoire of Daemonolatry Nygromancye and nothing more. It was created as a way to get the death tablets out to my readers in the manner I intended for readers to see them — large and in full color. They lose something in […]

Nuctemeron Gates

Nuctemeron Gates discusses the Nuctemeron of Apollonius of Tyana as a full path-working ritual for the adept and as a complete gate opening ritual to bring the “light of the world” manifest into the magus. Please note that this book is meant as a supplement to Infernal Colopatiron : A Manual of Daemonic Theophany. However, Infernal […]

Spiritual, Religious, Both, and Neither

This month’s topic can actually be somewhat of a challenge to write about. There is a great deal of ambiguity in today’s society regarding religion and spirituality. Some people use the two words interchangeably, while others hold them as two very different things. A great example of this is the ever-popular phrase, “I’m spiritual, but […]

Meditation Opportunities

This month I am going to write about the varying opportunities that meditation offers us, and how taking advantage of those opportunities can influence almost every aspect of our lives, from the mundane to the magical. Meditation offers us many things. Even simple meditations involving nothing more than stilling the mind are more valuable than […]