Meditation is Fundamental

Meditation is one of the most fundamental practices that all magicians should make habit of. There are a lot of reasons for this and it could take me pages and pages to explain why so I’ll try to narrow it down to a few essential points.

  • 1. Meditation makes the magician aware that he is in the present moment.
  • 2. Meditation teaches the magician how to quiet the mind and become an observer. Observation during magic is an important skill.
  • 3. Meditation teaches the magician how to willfully enter different states of consciousness by making him more aware of his mind and body as well as the connecting breath.
  • 4. Meditation teaches patience.
  • 5. Meditation teaches self-control and discipline.

Scientific studies have shown that meditation makes people more creative. This is something every magician needs. Magicians, by their very essence, are creators.  Some articles in science magazines have even suggested the meditation can make you smarter.  A lot of people claim that meditation can also relax you and make you a happier person overall.  I believe that meditation can make you understand your true will better and can help you better define your goals, create a course of action, and help you achieve them simply by making you more mindful and disciplined not to mention more self-knowledgeable.

This is why the magician should shoot for a regular meditation practice. This is even more important if you suffer from some sort of attention deficit.  By regular meditation I don’t mean hours every day, just ten to fifteen minutes should do it. I think that’s enough, longer if you want to. Meditation also doesn’t mean not thinking. It just means becoming aware of your breath, how your body feels, being aware of what you’re thinking and how you’re feeling emotionally, and being able to observe all of this without reacting to it. This is what we call being mindful. It’s a start.

For those of you who have a hard time being that involved with yourself you have to remember that you can’t run from yourself because eventually you catch up to you. In the meantime while you’re reconciling not wanting to be alone with your thoughts, consider guided meditation as an alternative. There are some interesting meditation cds available that you can get online. Some places even have free guided meditations. Then, when you’re ready you can start practicing mindful meditation as described above. Maybe it will help ease you into the whole being alone with yourself thing.

Don’t laugh. Some people really hate being alone and that’s often why. They’re too self critical and being alone means they have nothing better to do than think about themselves and all the perceived things wrong with them and their lives. The trick there is to learn to observe these thoughts and feelings without reacting to them since that’s what makes the meditation mindful.

Some people say yoga before meditation helps put them into the right mind set before meditation. You should experiment and do what feels right for you.  This concludes my serious post on the actual day it’s due. Let’s talk meditation in the comments. I’ll answer your meditation questions.

August Meditation

Let’s see if this month’s topic doesn’t scare our bloggers as much. This month the bloggers discuss the practice of meditation.

There isn’t much new around the org this month. We’ve hit the lazy days of summer and hopefully you’ve all been outdoors enjoying it.

In other news I heard a rumor that Keys of Ocat has (or will be in the next few days) been sent to the publisher.  I, for one, am looking forward to it.

Finally, I want to remind everyone that while we do take your privacy seriously at the org, never assume that what you send to our email (or any email listed on the org) is confidential. With some recent harassment of  one of our bloggers we do need to publicly say that if we are sent any email that is meant to harass any one of our bloggers, we do keep that email on file (including IP and origination information) and will provide copies to the blogger and local law enforcement if requested.  If you aren’t harassing myself or one of the bloggers then you have nothing to fear.

Now I think I’m going to go work on some alchemy. Have a great day!

I Remain,

Frank F. Domovoi

Research is boring and I’ll tell you why

I didn’t post early this month for two reasons. One because I was busy and two because when it comes to sex magic, that stays in my temple and I guess I subscribe to the idea that it isn’t something you discuss in polite company. That’s when I told myself I could conclude none of you are polite and talk about it anyway, but then I realized I have nothing to say about the topic of sex and spirituality that is really worth saying aside from this: we are sexual creatures, we are divine creatures, and so there is a divine aspect to sexuality.  Sex is an act of creation as is magic. I can’t say I know a great deal about sex magic except that I’ve dabbled in it with my performance of Atem Beleth  and the result was my beautiful daughter, soon to be three.  Nor have I researched the topic to any great extent.

I’ve never been one for research anyway. Sure, knowing history is fine but when it comes to magic I care less about history and more about results. Anyone else here feel the same way? Or am I alone? I meet a lot of people who seem to think that research is everything and that rituals are worthless if they aren’t over a hundred years old,  aren’t documented or verified authentic with the British museum (as being old, not actually whether or not it works), and whether or not there’s a forum somewhere on the internet dedicated to said ritual. I’m not one of those kinds of people. I base my view of rituals and magic on whether they work, so you won’t impress me with your five hundred year old ritual if it doesn’t work.

I feel this way about all magic equally. It’s the reason there are certain publishers I don’t read because history and research interests me less than someone’s personal experience actually doing a ritual and that is far less interesting than me doing it myself. When it comes to the esoteric I need proof that goes beyond what some guy in the 16th century wrote. Maybe this is, in part, what makes me the ass you all know today. Yes, I also apply this criticism to goetia and to demonolatry rituals including stuff like Atem Beleth and Kasdeya and the old ascension formulas.

It either works or it doesn’t. Save your research for college papers and boring magicians who want to waste their time philosophizing and nit picking details instead of doing. If you want to know more about sex magic, I suggest giving it a try and drawing your own conclusions instead of reading the conclusions of others, but that’s me. Have a nice remainder of your July and I promise a post about meditation in August on my scheduled day.

They Way Things Go

Yes, it’s Angie’s day, but looking at the rest of the bloggers it appears that maybe Angie won’t be posting either. So here I am in her stead to apologize for being a slacker and not posting this month.

Truthfully I had a wonderful blog planned out. I did. I was going to write about  connecting with the Daemonic during orgasm as a catalyst to manifestation.  I didn’t get very far. I began writing…

Yeah, it’s a mouthful. This is actually something I’ve written about in Grimorium Daemonolatrie, so to see more of my thoughts on  this topic you may have to wait for the book to come out. In the meantime, I’ve been seriously considering the act of sex magick. We can literally look at it as the energy created by sensation and the endorphins released in the brain during orgasm. That release can be transformed into a surge of potent energy that, if directed properly, can help the magician manifest the desired result whether that end goal being to create a servitor, charge and item, or come closer to a state of gnosis. Whatever the goal, it can sometimes be the connection that’s hardest to make and maintain during sexual intercourse or masturbation. Clearly it’s easier to focus when you’re the sole practitioner because you only have yourself to worry about. With a partner you do have to worry about their own connection and focus, but presumably if your partner is dedicated and focused to the end-goal, you can trust them enough to fulfill their role. This is why it’s not wise to attempt sex magick with an unknowing participant (yes, I know people who have done this!).  All of the energy of orgasm needs to be released and then directed immediately. One of the more…
And as you can see, it appears as though I was interrupted and never finished writing the article.  So just for fun, what do you think the next line will say? Post your answers in the comments below. Feel free to have fun with it or feel free to cuss me out for not completing the post. 🙂   Catch you all on the flip-side.

S. Connolly on Deeper Down the Rabbit Hole

Tune in on Tuesday, July 24 at 8PM EST to Deeper Down the Rabbit Hole and listen to S. Connolly talk about Daemons and Magick with Andrieh Vitimus and Jason Colwell. This is a rare opportunity. Ms. Connolly rarely does shows like this. If you can’t make it for the live airing, you can listen to the show from the website above, or check it out on iTunes within a week (or thereabouts) of it being aired.

Sexual Spirituality and Gender Stereotypes

I had to smirk at this month’s prompt. I was even almost dreading it. Actually, since no one else has tackled the topic I’m still a little nervous to write about it. Sexual spirituality. I thought something dirty at first. It’s hard not to, especially with S. Connolly mentioning how she felt this topic could make one require the AC!

I hope I’m not letting anyone down, but didn’t want to take it to a carnal place. I gave myself a massive headache thinking about it. What does sexual spirituality really mean to me?

I decided to tackle the prompt in pieces. The first step would be to find a meaning for “sexual” that didn’t make me blush and chortle like a school girl. A pretty loose interpretation could be gender identity and gender stereotypes. An essay called Mascaras mexicanas– Mexican Masks– by Octavio Paz came to mind.

Mascaras mexicanas describes the gender roles, or “masks”, that are used by men and women. Specifically, it describes machismo and marianismo, and what happens when the two roles are combined.

Before I begin, I would like to point out that those specific gender roles are becoming slightly obsolete in the world we live in, because of concepts like “Rosie the Riveter” and “herbivore men”, but if you look at it theoretically, they’re very useful as basic guidelines for traditional gender roles.

Machismo is the masculine role. Paz explains that the mask of a Mexican man is fierce, brave, and emotionally closed. Your typical “macho” guy, but it also has undertones of male chauvinism.

Marianismo is the feminine role. She is the opposite of man. She is passive, divine, and according to Paz, she “embodies the elements of the universe.” It seems important to point out that it has Catholic undertones. Maria is the Spanish name for the Virgin Mary.

From there, strip the roles of their undertones and apply the ideas to spirituality. Men can look inside themselves that strength and emotional reserve that is opposed by a woman’s intuition and grace. The two together can create equilibrium. Apart, they can create a sense of self-empowerment.

Finding someone who can balance your qualities out can be beneficial. I’m not necessarily talking about finding a “significant other”.  Just finding someone to confide in when you have a problem can open your eyes to ways of thinking you wouldn’t have otherwise considered. The best ideas are often inspired by the most unlikely of things, so it’s always worth your time to take chances on something new.

There’s also nothing wrong with a little self-empowerment. It’s the difference between feeling like you can’t do anything and being able to tackle any obstacle thrown your way. There’s no right or wrong, nor limitations on what path you “should” take. The ability to make rational decisions for oneself is something that takes some people years to master. Some people never master it at all.


This idea of sexual spirituality is a great philosophical chicken nugget to munch on.  I know I for one feel like meditating on the subject. I feel like I’m treading down a new path and am excited about where my wandering will lead me.

In Defense of Kasdeya

Recently it seems an alleged Washington D.C. attorney named Dick Kirchner is running around the web saying he had Kasdeya Rite of Ba’al verified as not authentic by a Penn University German professor named Brubaker. You can see where he claims this on this blog.

Let me state some facts:

First off, Mr. Kirchner is not registered to practice law in DC. Here is the database in which to look this up:

In the United States, attorneys have to register and this information is public. He is, however, registered in the state of Pennsylvania. You can find this information on the following site by doing a quick search.

I can only guess the reason he made it a point to say that he’s a “D.C. Attorney” is to somehow make his personal opinions seem more important or legitimate than that of the “average” man.

While I make no bones about Mr. Kirchner’s view that Kasdeya is not authentic (he is entitled to his opinion), I do object to the fact that he *made up* a professor at PennU to make his view appear legitimate. There is no professor Brubaker of German at PennU and you can verify this for yourself by going to the following website and looking Mr. Brubaker up:

If the search comes back for you as it did for me – you’ll see there are six Brubakers, but none of them are German professors. If I am wrong, please correct me.

Myself and the Purswells would be very interested to hear from Mr. Brubaker himself so we could learn how he was able to decide if an English manuscript (with no German ties), written in modern English (there was nothing Medieval about the text published in Kasdeya Rite of Ba’al) was not authentic.

I would be interested in hearing Mr. Kirchner’s explanations of these verifiable untruths (mistruths?), especially since he seems to take issue with authenticity.

Please note that I’m not saying his review has no merit. He is free to find all of my work utter crap and to call all Daemonolaters frauds if he so chooses. I just don’t think making up fake professors to make your opinion seem more legitimate is the way to go.

Of course none of this explains why Mr. Kirchner’s alleged brother, Shawn, wrote me back in 2010 from the same email address Mr. Kirchner wrote his review from ([email protected], telling me he had a high profile client who needed me to help him get rid of a stalker via magickal work. I am going to share the text of one of the emails so you know this isn’t b.s. –  My comments are italicized so you know that he is replying to my response to his initial request for the help.

On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 10:58 AM, <geetar1870@XXXXX> wrote:
Dear Stephanie,

Thank you for permitting me to address you by your first name and for your very detailed reply. I will try to address the portions of your letter by point of reference because you have been very kind in anticipating all of the complexities of this matter in your reply.

The possible remedy here may be more long-term. We can structure a series of transactions with $1250 released on the first. I can certainly guarantee you more business from a variety of contacts (DC-Phila-NYC), as well as the named client. I have to get my co-counsel to sign off on this so the September deadline may be too optimistic. What I anticipated is more in line with your autumnal equinox rite (Halloween), referenced in your on-line .pdf work on demonolatry, which suggests this time would be particularly auspicious for what we’re thinking about here. Would this work, or is the September date better from a magickal perspective? Then, we could assess the affects of the magick. This is all open to negotiation as to your wants and needs, and we can certainly go from there.

I have to start by knowing more about this woman and the situation in general. Her name, a picture (if you can find her on the Internet and send me a link I really can go from there). The first thing I’d do is visit her astrally to see what it is exactly that we’re up against

I can say confidently that the woman is not a witch but a certifiable sociopath. Like many individuals under this classification of the DSM-IV they possess a lot of qualities which seems to suggest “psychic” or “occult properties” which are, in fact, nothing more, than somebody with a lot of time on their hands and with a very strong intent to drive somebody crazy, i.e., stalk somebody for whom they have a perceived grievance. I have done intel on her through the LAPD and Phila vice and have found out that she practices a particularly weird variant of Charismatic Christianity (non-denominational, fundamentalist Jesus-freak). Having seen her handiwork however, I must tell you it is very creepy and I can understand the client’s cause for alarm. The issue regarding revealing names, pictures, dates and documentary evidence brings up another residual issue which we can cross later. Would you be amenable to a waiver and confidentiality clause? This is so that I do not end up having my client — or myself — pick up a 2709 violation which is summary offense harassment in my state of licensure and even potentially a misdemeanor. Not good for a lawyer.

If you have retained counsel, maybe I can speak with your lawyer. This would obviate the need for us to speak directly and also would guarantee that everybody here transacts the confidential information including payment under the required evidentiary privileges. I work for a living too, and this is not what I normally do. That said, your youtubes suggest a caring person with a very prestigious pedigree. Frankly, I’m surprised you’re not already working for the Clinton family (just kidding).

Though I have a suspician there’s a lot more to this story than I’m being told. My Daemon guide has warned me to be vary cautious about this whole situation. Something doesn’t smell right.

Again, I can relate only the “dry facts”, as it were, now as documented by the client’s letter to you via my office. There is a lot more, but until we have something in place protecting confidentiality I cannot relate anything further. But, in a nutshell, the demonic divine is correct and there is “a lot more to this story than [you’re] being told [right now].” And it pretty much is all about money.

So know up front that while my magick always produces results – they may not be the result the client wants especially if I am not being made aware of everything.

Okay, the latter quote is kind of scary. Are you saying my client might be hurt by all of this? Per your own writings (and forgive me for using your own words) “[entities] are neither good nor evil, but somewhere in between”. I believe this would apply to mortals as well as daemons. My client and his wife are no candidates for Xian sainthood; nonetheless, they do not deserve to be hounded by a complete psychotic for over five years. Again, we need to talk confidentially about this perhaps through counsel if you desire it, but certainly clear the air about what is going on before we decide to do anything for real.

To close, please consider just talking this over with me. What I can do is prior to the phone call, send you a pdf file that would document under penalty of perjury that: 1) the call is not conducted on a recorded line (which is a felony in our jurisdiction); 2) all information in the conversation would be complete truth and fully disclosed; and 3) No Xians are involved in this matter in any way (save the assailant) and the client’s wife (a so-called Jack-Mormon).

I realize you are a very busy person and I thank you again for your time. I am deeply indebted for all the work you have done so far and I feel you are the return of an once well-respected European tradition of the sorceress as an honored and socially-functional role.

I am, until we communicate again, yours faithfully,

Shawn K.


Basically, after this correspondence I  said I was uncomfortable with it, too much money was involved, too many legal issues, and I politely declined to help this client.  Then he turned around and offered to be my attorney as to help expand my audience for the Demonolatry books. He also mentioned that my book Outer Darkness was one of the reasons he contacted me to begin with. He figured I did this sort of thing all the time. I’d include all the emails – but they’re very long and exhaustive and I’d have to write a serial blog – but anyone interested in reading them can write me at [email protected] for full transcripts if you wish (with any really private information removed).  The only reason I use what I have here is because Mr. Kirchner chose to use his real name on his comments about Kasdeya so I figured it was fair game.

So basically – once I declined work for his client and gently turned him down when he offered to be my attorney, Mr. Kirchner, or rather his *brother*,  started writing me very bizarre emails and they started freaking me out. They’d be really nice in one breath, praising my work, and in the next breath – he’d cut me down.  Then I got this email titled LET ME IN.

Shawn K. geetar1870@XXX


to me
Hello Stephanie.

The above-named film was released today. You’re in it.

You play the fucking hero.


Maybe I’m paranoid, but that was just messed up. I didn’t answer it. Then on 10/4/10 I got the following email:

Thanks for (slightly) cursing me!

Yeah, you are right that the Dukantes are Princeton grads. But I’m pretty sure that that Francis guy owned half of Florence. See item 7, below.

Now I see what’s going on. Why was this truly necessary Stephanie, given that I began as (at least tentatively) one of your fan club?

Rest assured that I will NOT contact you again.

1. A dream in which a satanist cult was chanting satanis satanis in my backyard, and trying to get me to chant the same, waking my father up from his death slumber and thereby pissing him off such that he went raging around the old playground equipment;

2. A dream in which they put a giant black adder in my bed waking me from a sound sleep and having to go watch AC360 on the couch at 3:00 am;

3. A few days thereafter seeing a huge black snake carcass run over in front of my mailbox the same being in apparent Ingress to my front yard;

4. Walking home from hurricane winds and rains, a decrepit evergreen was wind struck falling merely feet away from me;

5. The weekend after writing S. Connolly re the Let Me In movie, pinched or stung as if by a yellow jacket right on my testicles, dropping my pants and changing my clothes;

6. At 845 am on the morning of monday, Oct. 4th, a hippie in a Subaru drove up on my front yard, put his hazards lights on, and took out some kind of machine. It had small clocks and dials on it. It was definitely not a laptop. It appeared he was taking pictures or recording something about my property. I came out in my shorts, shirtless. I asked him what the fuck. He immediately drove off.

7. The query to myself that this is Definitely a Non-Brahmin path (Geeta chaps. 16-17) to which, occasionally, Brahmins become attracted, Re: Richard & Selinda Dukante.

Shawn K.


After this I wrote him back explaining I hadn’t cursed him and that maybe he should seek professional help (mental). Next thing I know he’s turned it into some huge drama and thinks I’ve cursed him.  I finally write back the following.

You clearly misunderstood what I said. I said that if YOU USED MAGICK THAT WAS UNJUSTIFIED (meaning you were cursing people who didn’t deserve it) it could come back on you. If it did come back on you – then that was THE UNIVERSE giving you the backlash — not me! Did you use magick? If the answer is no, then why would you be getting a backlash?

How all that turned into a paranoid dellusional fantasy about me cursing you, when quite frankly I don’t know you from Adam, is beyond me. Just because I decided not to help you and just because I wasn’t responding to your strange e-mail does not make me evil or out to get you. Nor does it imply I’m cursing you. It just means I don’t want to talk to you. Period. It’s that simple. I’m a very busy person with a real family and a real life. I don’t have time to sit around cursing complete strangers. Nor do I have time for this silliness.

Have you considered there’s nothing supernatural going on at all and it’s all coincidence? Have you considered perhaps you’ve pissed off a client? Nope – you immediately assume *I* did something. Sorry to inform you but my sun and moon don’t rise and fall around *you*. Like I said — I don’t even know you. So why you’ve got me in your sights and why you’re harassing me is beyond me. Just because you’ve read some of my books gives you no right to send me e-mail telling me I’m cursing you. It’s ridiculous and it borders stalker behavior given your recent e-mails.

Please stop contacting me and please stop accusing me of this nonsense. I wish to have no further correspondence with you.

S. Connolly

Then I start getting emails from D. A. Kirchner apologizing for his brother’s behavior.  He explained his *brother* was lying. His brother wasn’t a lawyer, but rather he just helped around the office. He also told me there was no big client and evidently this Shawn was just a fan of my books. Then he asked me if I’d keep talking to Shawn. I said no. I wanted nothing to do with him.  I did get one last email from Shawn and it was quite sweet. It said:


I realize I am NOT supposed to be writing you.

But I just want to thank you for being one of the most creative people I have ever met in my life. Thanks to you I have creative meaning and excitement in my life and my life has artistic vibrancy again. I feel like I did when I was 18 again, like I am on the verge of something.

Prior to reading your books my life was boring and meaningless. You have introduced me to an ancient path where I now walk, breathlessly.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Your loyal fan,

From Shawn K

Is anyone else here reading this and seeing scenes from Stephen King’s Misery? If not, must just be me. I’m your number one fan….  I’m really not trying to be mean here, but the harassment has to stop somewhere as do the lies. So back to the story.

Then in February of 2011 I start getting letters from a woman who calls herself JAW. She starts out by telling me Lulu screwed up her order for Kasdeya. I immediately rectify the situation by getting her some new books. Of course this conversation starts out how Lulu sucks. I agreed (at that time I was getting ready to kick Lulu to the curb anyway). Next thing I know, JAW starts asking me why the general public doesn’t have access to group specific texts and GenDem private publications. I explain gently that who certain texts are available to is up to the groups they’re for, or the people whose family information it is. It’s not for me to decide. JAW begins to sound like Shawn did. Really nice, followed by smashing insults and criticisms. So she starts getting nasty with me.

As with all nasty people – the second you get nasty back at them – they’re very offended. JAW was no different.  She was very offended when I told her how things worked, she accused me of hiding material that she had a right to. She started acting like she knew Selinda and Richard Dukanté, and how dare I not give her what she’s entitled to. I told her to cut me out of the middle and just go to Selinda herself. If she knew Selinda and was entitled to the information – why did she need me? That resulted in another tirade. Finally I did lose my cool, said some mean spirited things (i.e. questioned her ability as a magician since she didn’t understand Dukanté’s ascension formula, which you’d know if you knew him, right?). She came back with how low that was (it was). And so I told her I didn’t want any further correspondence with her. End of story.

Fast forward eight months later. A woman named P.K. contacts me because she won the Grimoire of St. Cyprian in last year’s Halloween drawing. But she writes to make sure I haven’t cursed the book. That’s when I find out she is allegedly Shawn’s mom. What’s bizarre is all four of them now, Shawn, Dick, JAW and PK all sound alike. Maybe a coincidence. Sure, I could chalk it up to that. So I assure Ms. PK that I will not curse the book, I do not curse strangers, and I send the book to her. All is quiet until suddenly I start getting bizarre posts on my blog from a woman named S, who accuses me of not editing Michael Ford’s work good enough. I had to gently explain that I had nothing to do with Michael Ford. She also starts making bizarre assumptions about Demonolatry and name-dropping as if she knows me and Mike Delaney, and Selinda. And again – she sounds very much like Shawn, Dick, JAW, and PK.

Finally, the straw that broke the camel’s back. PK contacted me to ask when Keys of Ocat would be available. I told her. Next thing I know I’m getting an email from her saying how my publisher for the project is awful about getting books to people and if I publish with them I’m doing a disservice to my readers etc…  She cites another author’s book (that was shipped late due to some production issues – really not a big deal in the publishing world if you can believe that!) as the reason for concern, then starts the name-dropping again. She drops a number of names of authors who’ve written about Hekate and then tells me those authors are eagerly awaiting to critique my research on Hecate (What research? The book I’m working on includes Hecate, but isn’t about Hecate). Not to mention I know a few of those authors she mentions and I asked them if they were waiting for Keys of Ocat and got a definite, “No.”  More lies.  Again, compliments laced with thinly veiled insults. Then she goes on to tell me the copy of Grimoire of Cyprian I sent is, in fact, cursed and she wants to return it to me.  You know that old axiom “Don’t Feed the Trolls”? I’d had enough fun and I basically told her I thought she was full of it and needed to go away and not contact me again.

That’s when, on a whim, I decided to run PK’s IP address against S, Shawn, Dick,  and JAW, and to compare all their addresses and  information. Lo and behold, the IPs go back to one cell phone (an iPhone even!) and one computer, and three distinct mailing addresses. A reverse lookup tells me who owns these houses (public information folks!). There is no PK. There is a person who lives at the address I sent IC to who is named P, but the last name is different. Across the street from her, though, the nice old lady who lives there has the same last name as P allegedly did. And lo and behold, the old woman whose last name is K- her address leads directly to Dick K. in Pennsylvania. JAW’s mailing address, where I sent Lulu’s bad order, also goes back to Dick K. – a PO Box in Maryland about 60 miles away from Dick K.’s Pennsylvania address.

There’s something fishy going on here if you ask me – and I want it to stop. I have folders of emails (replete with IP addresses), screen shots from the web verifying all of this information, print outs of the screen shots — all of it ready to go to the authorities if necessary to prove internet harassment. I also have witnesses who have seen the emails and who helped me look up and verify this information. Someone has too much time on their hands to spend this much effort to screw with me. And then to make up a professor as proof that Kasdeya has no merit is truly screwed up. Sorry – but it is.

Guess this old gal isn’t as dumb as she looks. If anyone has any factual, verifiable information to the contrary – please let me know. I would appreciate it. If I’m wrong I want to correct myself and issue a public apology if necessary. Otherwise, I have a right to state verifiable facts until I’m proven wrong.

Sizzling July!

Hey folks, S. Connolly here! This month the bloggers discuss sexual spirituality. I don’t know how hot it will get, but perhaps you should turn on the AC just in case.

In other news, I will be teaching a live video ascension meditation class in November (2-3 hours, $20 per connected computer – you can have as many people as you want in front of that computer). Watch the EVENTS page for details.

Happy July and it’s my hope this month brings you plenty of prosperity, insight, and knowledge.

PS> Frank is still the webmaster, but is currently busy in his personal life at the moment.  Thank you for your understanding regarding slow response times and late posts.

A Public Statement From Goetic Nick

I didn’t post earlier this month. Instead, I’d like to follow the Guest Post with some of my own thoughts about the recent “drama” in the Demonolatry community. I’d like to clarify that it all started because of one person’s ignorance -I don’t think I’m using this term unfairly- and desperation to be respected as an authority in Demonolatry and to gain accolades that were not earned. It happened because one person made a choice to speak for an entire community and that choice demeaned the rest of us and made us look like a bunch of rebellious teen-aged devil worshipers.

I don’t know about all of you, but I get  annoyed when I’m represented by a stereotype who makes my brethren and I look like stereotypes.

A lot of people think I’m an asshole. I can be. Just ask S. Connolly or M. Delaney and anyone else who knows me. Both of them, my wife, and even my friends have told me what an asshole I am. This doesn’t bother me one bit and let me explain why. I am a fine tuned bullshit detector. When I see bullshit, I call it like I see it. I am not going to blow smoke up anyone’s ass or beat around the bush. I tell all of my occult author friends that if you don’t want my criticism, don’t write books, teach classes or go onto live radio because at that point, you are fair game. I will tell you what I honestly thought, point out any mistakes you made, and if I think you’re wrong, I’ll tell you why. If you can’t take the criticism that comes with being an author or a speaker, then you probably shouldn’t be speaking or writing.

As someone who has been practicing Demonolatry for a lot of years, I think I have a right to criticize things said about Demonolatry that are clearly bullshit. If the longtime practitioners don’t criticize the bullshit, how will those just starting out be able to tell the truth from bullshit?

I do not tell lies. Everything I say is true and I can back it up with facts. If you want facts, email me a [email protected] and I’ll give you facts that you can verify yourself. All I gave was a direct, honest, fact based criticism of said author and if that person can’t handle that, they shouldn’t be writing books or public speaking about the subject matter. When you do or say something untrue about someone else or a group of people, or you start accusing people of being unfair, or start dissing someone else’s (Luciferian) belief system – people have a right to respond. When you lie, cheat, or steal (including plagiarism), there are consequences. You need to accept self-responsibility.

I accept responsibility for being an asshole. I’m not sorry for my honesty and I shouldn’t have to be. I also don’t mind if someone is up front and honest with me. After all if I give tough criticism I better be able to take it. Fair is fair, right?

If you can dish it, but you can’t take it – you should get out of the game.

That is exactly the problem of the person the drama was centered around. She can dish tons of criticism on the demonolatry community for not being respectful enough, or hate on the Luciferians and blame everyone else for her shortcomings, but she won’t take self responsibility or criticism. She won’t respect occult authors she disagrees with and will publicly criticize them, but she certainly expects respect from those same authors.

That’s not how life works. You can’t shit on people, and shit on people, and shit on people, and then turn around and expect them to give you their respect and/or friendship. You also can’t expect strangers to NOT criticize you out of sheer “respect”. You also can’t expect to walk into an established community of seasoned practitioners (many who don’t even know you – by your own admission) as if you own the place and you’re some sort of expert and expect them to dote on you, praise you, and respect you as an authority when it’s obvious your understanding of Demonolatry is lacking. 

If I’m wrong, feel free to tell my why and call me an asshole in the comments below.

Or maybe I should have titled this post FIVE WAYS NOT TO TRY TO BECOME A RESPECTED OCCULT AUTHOR.

1. Do not plagiarize other writers material. I don’t care if you found it on the web, that doesn’t mean you can claim it as your own.

2. Do not downgrade other belief systems or authors. It’s a small world. Believe me.

3. Do not think you can walk into a community whose members you either barely know or don’t know and try to pass yourself off as knowing what you’re talking about when you really don’t. The long time practitioners will know the difference.

4. Do not go on an internet radio show and make a complete ass of yourself.

5.  Do not think you will never be criticized.


The following Guest Post was submitted by Forum Member Laith:

Drama within any community can be toxic. Whether the afflicted community is “online” or “offline” really doesn’t matter, drama seems to ooze in where ever there’s a gathering of more than two people. A recent outburst in the Demonolatry community comes to mind. It stemmed on an event that happened before I became a part of the community, but it’s sticking in my mind now. The following is likely unnecessary, but this is how I see things at the moment.

Drama’s effects are slow at first. Someone made a comment that you don’t agree with. It’s nothing more than a paper cut. It’s annoying, but you pay it no mind. Before anyone realizes what happened you find that paper cut, something that was no big deal and could have easily been rectified with a bandage and some antiseptic, has started suppurating. It’s now an untreated staph infection.

I can’t fathom why people don’t just pour peroxide on a small cut before it gets so bad. It stings at first, but eventually you can move on like it never happened. The alternative isn’t that easy. You’re looking at hospital bills, medication, possibly surgery, and eventually a scar. Sometimes those scars are so prominent that they won’t just “disappear” after a few years. Sometimes the outcome is a lot worse and someone ends up dying from an infection that would have easily been treated before.

What I’m trying to say is that it’s far easier to apologize and try to mend hurt feelings early on rather than trying to ignore them and just hope things can be better later. People have an innate ability to learn from their experiences and avoid making the same mistakes twice. It goes deeper than emotions and sits at a very primal, psychological level. You can tell a child not to do something because they’ll get hurt, but they won’t know not to do it unless they experience the pain first hand. Once they learn that doing something is unpleasant, they won’t do it again.

On top of that one needs to realize that the phrase we’re told as children when someone makes fun of us, “sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me”, is moot in the real world. Emotional pain is more memorable than physical pain for some people. Once someone hurts your feelings, you won’t be as inclined to trust them in the future unless you’re masochistic. Sure people can change and maybe things will improve, but if you didn’t try to make things right early on there’s always that possibility that people will remember the scars they bear clearly. There will be such a lack of trust that you might find yourself with another festering cut.

The best way to prevent hurt feelings and drama is to avoid people altogether. That’s not really an option since people are normally social. I will admit that removing yourself from online drama can be effective but for drama that occurs “in the flesh”, you can’t just close your laptop and be done with it. A more feasible solution would be to think before you speak. Don’t seek out arguments, and especially don’t make the situation worse by turning to expletives or what I call the dreaded “I” word: “ignorant”. Calling someone ignorant when they disagree with you feels like the most abused word when someone’s attempting to insult someone else. I won’t go into that right now; maybe another time.

In the end, just remember that respect can be more easily lost than gained. Keep the Courtesies of the Sorcerer in mind and you should be fine.  If it’s hard to do there are a plethora of Demons out there that can be invoked to help find your inner balance. I know I need to work with Marchosias again soon, myself.

I wish everyone a wonderful summer! May your magical workings be successful, and I really hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed writing it.