Sigillum Diaboli

Sigillum Diaboli is a complete guide to Daemonolatry-based sigil divination using both Dukanté and Goetic sigil sets. The book includes information on how to make your sigil sets, how to do a reading, and includes the divination meanings of over 85 Daemonic sigils. 126 pages of daemonic sigil divination goodness.

Initial release available in hardcover on Lulu. On Amazon Paperback. For eReaders, check out the Nook  or Kindle versions!

Welcome Winter!

Welcome to December! This month is bloggers choice! It was suggested our bloggers write research papers on their own topic of interest (magic or Demonolatry related of course).  We’ll see what comes of it.

May your solstice, Yule and Rite(s) to Belial be joyous and from all of us here at, we wish you glad tidings and a prosperous new year!

GenDems: New Section for Site

This notice is for the GenDems who use this site. As official Sesh I am proud to announce that I have come close to completing the directive from the GenDem council and there is now a new group resource section specifically for those who practice denominational Daemonolatry.  All of the articles are written from a traditional GenDem perspective. I’d like to thank ALL of the writers who contributed to this section! Thank you!

For everyone else – I have already gotten one complaint about this section. As a matter of fact, the young man was so pissed off we were putting it up on the site that he called me arrogant, the Daemonolatry Pope, and said I was stifling the spiritual growth of hundreds of people. I had no idea I had so much power.  He also said I was ruining all of Demonolatry for everyone by doing this.  LOL! This is for him (and those who agree with him):


What? I have a sense of humor. Besides, I make an adorable pope. Even with red eye. 😉

So for those who are vehemently pissed off (evidently at least one guy) about this, please know that so far, this website has CATERED to non-denominational Demonolatry despite the fact that it’s ran by a group that is denominational. As a matter of fact, IMHO, we’ve shied away from really adding any additional denominational stuff to this site for fear of upsetting anyone and that’s not right either. We shouldn’t have to do reverse discrimination in favor of non-denominational folks either. Everyone should be welcome.

Besides, the rest of you are more than welcome to that section as well. Or you’re welcome to ignore it if you don’t like  it or it’s not for you . It’s really that simple.  By including it here no one is saying a personal Demonolatry is wrong or being non-denominational is wrong. It’s just that the groups were requesting some resources for guidance and we decided to comply with that request.

The solitary Demonolaters who are non-denominational are more than welcome to request things for this site, too. If you have a request, sent it to Frank D. at [email protected].

Also a side note – we have quite a few bloggers here who would identify themselves as non-denominational solitaries.  I point that out because this site really is inclusive of everyone and we plan on keeping it that way. 🙂

In with the old, in with the new!

I don’t see any problem with creating your own form of Demonolatry and / or using Traditional methods.

Traditional Demonolatry could be considered a perfected free-form Demonolatry. If you think about it, it had to start somewhere. Someone’s ancestor worked hard, wrote information down, and passed it on. Some families probably died out or lost interest, but others picked up the work, tried it, found more things that worked, and passed it on. This continued for years until the things that worked became traditional. We’re very lucky that Generational Demonolators share their traditions with us, because it’s something special to their family. The fact that families like this exist at all is something to be revered and cherished. It’s not a bad thing, or something to turn your nose up at out of jealousy.

Then again, change is equally valuable. If things stagnate they may become irrelevant or worse, die out. I highly doubt that the forefathers of Demonolatry did everything exactly like the Demonolators of today. Hecatean Magick by B. Morlan is an amazing book and a perfect example of how change can breathe new life into traditions. The author describes his family as a blend of Demonolatry on his maternal grandfather’s side and Traditional Witchcraft on his maternal grandmother’s side. The melding of those two sets of knowledge created a system unique to his family. For all I know right now, some of those rituals could become staples in my practice and be passed on to my potential future offspring (with credit, of course).

There’s also another option available. Perhaps you don’t like the idea of being traditional or blending two different paths. No one says you “have to” do anything. I’m still young and haven’t found my niche, maybe I’ll decide I want to try something completely different and add new avenues for people to consider when paving their own paths. If you use what you learn from tradition and push the limits of your creativity there’s no telling where you’ll end up. Spirituality is a very personal journey where there are no right or wrong answers. Maybe thinking outside of the box will lead to something your family will treasure generations from now? You never know unless you try.

Whether you stick to a traditional path, blend two paths, or create a third path is entirely up to you. I’d also like to point out that I think this is a great time to be a young Demonolator. We have wonderful authors and resources available to us and our entire lives ahead of us to help keep the magic alive for future generations…as long as we don’t drop the ball.

Your Spiritual Journey

I’ve always found it fascinating how our culture has turned something as unique and sacred as personal spirituality into some sort of bizzare competition where the “loser” is everyone but ourselves. Perhaps it’s the human need to be “right” or somehow “special” and to have others validate that, that causes the “who’s right and who’s wrong” and “which way is right, which way is wrong” debate. That ever pervading human ego.

Just like in Qabalah where each man’s tree is his own, each man’s spirituality is his/her own as well. Nothing is, technically, right or wrong. It’s either right for YOU or not. Demonolatry isn’t right for everyone. Some people take it to a dark place and it destroys them from the inside out.

Now before certain friends of mine have a complete fit and start bitching me out for promoting “Do-what-you-want-and-call-it-Demonolatry”, let me start out by saying that I am a firm believer in foundation. Those of you who know me should know this.

Look, I will not admonish people outside my denomination for working outside my own beliefs and structures. I might cringe on the inside when someone stabs a ritual dagger in the air while invoking Anubis, but that’s my problem, not theirs. These days I keep my mouth shut because I realize just because I choose to practice a certain denomination of Demonolatry does not mean everyone else should or has to.  Spirituality is not one size fits all. Anyone who thinks otherwise is foolish.

We don’t have to agree.  I have specific practices etc… that I adhere to out of respect to the traditions I’ve incorporated into my own spiritual practice.  It works for me. I also believe in foundation and teach from a place of foundation, write from a place of foundation, and usually only practice with those who also come from that same foundation. If you find me talking about gendem type stuff in my books it’s because that’s the place I come from and I write for both them AND everyone else. Not an easy task, I assure you. It’s hard to keep my personal practice out of what I write. ::shrug::

But that is my choice as it’s my practice and I can do what I want. Other people’s opinions do not validate or invalidate my spirituality or my practice. Why? Because I’ve grown past needing validation from others.

Do I think my way of working is superior? For myself, yes. As I am sure everyone reading this article finds their method of work superior for them as well (or you should – otherwise you need  to keep searching). That’s just how it is.

As for foundation I will say this: There are a few things that, while you can just make it up as you go along, are foundational to all of Western Magick as a whole. If you practice any of the following things and follow the “traditional” ways of working within this foundation — your work is not only based in Western Magick, but it has some sort of foundation.

  • Planetary  – the nature of the planets does not change. It’s a constant. This includes planetary hours, days, and symbols.
  • Astrology – I’m talking the standard zodiac, not sidereal astrology.
  • The basic premise behind each sphere of the tree of life or qlippoth.
  • Herb lore, including medicinal and magickal uses (as well as alchemical uses). Lemon balm, for example, will always be refreshing in teas and represent knowledge and truth (among other airy qualities). I did recently make a post about my thoughts on what makes me respect herbalists and alchemists HERE.
  • Base Daemonic attributes. Okay, this one might be debatable, but I do believe the base attributes have stuck with the Daemons for centuries for a reason.
  • Applications of certain things in magick. And by application I mean that we already have agreed upon meanings of colors, stones, etc… in Western Magick and all of that is part of our shamanic tradition and seems to overlap into most, if not all,  Western traditions that use stones or colors etc…
  • Agreed upon symbolism. For the most part, many  spiritual folks and magicians have agreed upon certain spirit sigils and symbolism to identify processes, spirits, planets, etc… This doesn’t mean the individual can’t create his/her own symbols. It just means a lot of the existing symbolism has a great deal  of meaning and a lot of thought was put into it. It’s just as valid as a personal sigil.

There may be more than this, but I think this is a good foundational list. Feel free to add more in the comments if you feel I’ve missed anything imperative.

But all in all, no matter who disagrees with you or snarks at your personal practices or beliefs, your spirituality is your own. If you think throwing a sprig of chamomile down a well at the stroke of one a.m. will keep you from getting a cold – more power to you. If it works for you, great! Who am I to judge?

Does it annoy me when people make stuff up and call it Demonolatry? No. Demonolatry means Demon Worship. So as long as you’re being respectful to the Divine Intelligences, I see no problem with you using the label. Demonolatry is a broad term and there are literally hundreds of “denominations”. It is what it is.

And for my friends who disagree with me and really do hold to the stance that there really is only one way to practice Demonolatry, that’s why you practice the denomination you practice.  Some people will find your denomination inferior (there is a group of folks out there who HATE gendems, though I’m not sure why since the beliefs and traditions of the gendem folks has nothing to do with anyone outside those groups), others will find it right for them.  We must accept that fact and move on.  Other people’s beliefs (or validation or invalidation of your beliefs) have nothing to do with your spirituality or your connection to the divine.  Once we all figure this out, maybe it will put a stop to the “My spirituality is better than yours!” schoolyard behavior.

This Month’s Blogging Topic

I was so wrapped up in the contest earlier this month that I forgot to mention this month’s blogging topic.

This month the bloggers talk about Traditional vs. Free Form Demonolatry – Perspectives on staying completely traditional vs blending demonolatry with other pagan beliefs vs doing whatever the hell you want and calling it demonolatry.

Looks like an interesting topic. I look forward to hearing what our bloggers think. Speaking of bloggers, we always welcome new bloggers. Some of our bloggers get busy and can no longer blog.  If you are a practicing Demonolater and want to blog here at, contact me at [email protected] and I’ll get you set up.

A Thinning Veil & Necromancy

The following blog post is from my personal website. I thought I’d share it here, too, as it’s relevant.

I was having a conversation with a friend last week about necromancy and the thinning of the veil. He made a passing comment about how October 31 is when the veil is thinnest. I had to stop and correct him because that’s not entirely true.

The reason October 31 is often celebrated as when the veil is thinnest is because Saturn in Scorpio (October 23- November 22) is the right combination that causes thinning of the veil to begin with, and October 31 is kind of right in there. But that’s the key phrase right there. Saturn (planet ruling Death) in Scorpio (the most psychic of the sun signs).  Genuine Saturn in Scorpio cycles  happen about every 28-30 years and last for about 2-2.5 years. Sure, you’ll get Saturn influence in Scorpio every year, but it’s nothing like a true Saturn in Scorpio transit.

So while the veil may always thin a little bit around October 31, it actually peaks around the second week of November and is really only at its thinnest point every 28-30 years.

And guess what? This year we entered a Saturn in Scorpio cycle (transit)! It started around October 5 and it will last until 2015.  Yep – that’s right! Saturn is currently in Scorpio! So for those necromancers who are really feeling it this year – this is why.  While a good necromancer can do his/her work at any time, the next three weeks will be prime for it.  Not just tonight. You’ll also enjoy this influence over your necromantic work until [January of] 2015! 🙂

Good luck in all your work and may the Death Daemonic be friendly unto you!

Religion and Spirituality

This months topic is religion and spirituality. First off, it is my belief that religion is not necessarily spiritual. Many people claim to be of various religions but are about as spiritual as a dog turd (obviously I have no knowledge that dog turds aren’t spiritual, but hopefully you get my meaning !) People can on the other hand be spiritual but of no religion.

Religion is essentially a belief system, usually constrained by rules and regulations. These rules and regulations are usually enforced by a ruling class within the religion. For instance, the Vatican is the ruling class of the Catholic Church.

Religion is supposed to be a pathway to spiritualism from what we are lead to believe. Religion is based upon a set of rules and beliefs dating back many millenia. True religions stick by their governing orders and instructions. Hokey religions simply keep changing their fundamental beliefs to cure favour, the case of homosexuality in the Church of England being a prime example. Islam sticks by its fundamental beliefs, which is why it is gaining followers and Christianity loosing. Demonolatry is lucky in that we are generally left to work things out for ourselves and have very few  fundamental orders  – we all know what we are about anyway, so stuff those who don’t !

Spirituality simply requires an honest practitioner who is not afraid to believe that there is more to life than X Factor and the gathering of money and material goods. Be at peace with yourself and your beliefs. Believe not for what you can get out of it,but because you can. Spiritual people are usually far happier than non spiritual people. Religious but non spiritual people are usually angry souls. Where and what are you ?

Nuctemeron Gates

Nuctemeron Gates discusses the Nuctemeron of Apollonius of Tyana as a full path-working ritual for the adept and as a complete gate opening ritual to bring the “light of the world” manifest into the magus. Please note that this book is meant as a supplement to Infernal Colopatiron : A Manual of Daemonic Theophany. However, Infernal Colopatiron is not necessary for the practicing magician to find this chapbook useful. It can be used alone and it can be used by Daemonolaters and non-Daemonolaters alike. Currently in Paperback on Amazon and  Hardcover at Lulu. eBooks are also available for NOOK and KINDLE.