I often wonder myself if I offer enough. I offer my prayers, thanks. My mind is more on the demons than off them.But still I believe I am mean in my offerings, and apologise for that. I have read that blood is a main offering, and the best way is a small ‘nick’ in the […]
Now is the Time for Atonement
“Of all these things I offer unto you, infernal wisdom waits…” Burt Offerings – Iced Earth November is when I sit down with the Daemonic Divine and re-evaluate my goal lists. It’s also a time when I tend to make my biggest offerings. Not offerings to the Daemonic directly. I’d like everyone to reconsider the purpose […]
By now you the reader should be familiar on my thoughts on blood.. Blood is a good start.. But.. There are other offering one can do, things that would satisfied the flesh, offering of harvest, food and wine or drink. But I want to focus on energizing your offering. There are theories that emotional energy plays key with […]
Generous Offerings
Infernal Greetings to All … Welcome to November and this month’s topic, Offerings. I really don’t have a huge amount of information to provide on my personal feelings and practices regarding Offerings. I am totally aware of the significance and purpose of giving Offerings and their importance to Demonolatry and Occult practices in general. They play a […]
Drawing Winners & November Dawns
The Halloween Contest closed at midnight last night. Yours truly was already asleep and I had to work today, but now I’m home and the names have been drawn. Drumroll please….. For a copy of Honoring Death: The Arte of Daemonolatry Necromancy – Connie K. For a copy of the hardcover Sigil Altar Book – […]
Speak of the Dead…
Since I wrote an entire book on the subject, here is an excerpt of Honoring Death: The Arte of Daemonolatry Necromancy. First let me start at the beginning. When I was very young I would often see shadows and talk to people no one else could see. Those around me attributed it to an overactive […]
A human pyramid
In 1511 when people such as Leonardo da Vinci, Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, and Nostradamus, were alive and walking this earth, walking it with them were 1,048,576 other people who were your great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandparents. That is 18 greats, or 20 generations […]
Things That Go Bump in the Night
Infernal Greetings to All … Welcome to October and this month’s topic, Necromancy. I have to state up front that my knowledge of this topic is fairly limited. I have had brushes with it over the years but I have never undertaken an in depth study of it. I am not sure why since it […]
The Blood
Many people talk about using family heirlooms and even a part of the ancestor they want to connect with.. I want to offer another form that doesn’t involve grave robbing or stealing your great grandfather’s dentures. The key of life, the key of magick, the key of you. Within it is link to you and […]
Goetia and Necromancy
It makes sense being my internet handle is Goetic Nick that I discuss necromancy and the Goetia. Goetia has a handful of necromancers Demons (or genii if you prefer). The beauty of the Goetia ritual is it is a scrying ritual which makes it a perfect communication device or tool for communicating with the other side. Obviously since I […]