Something to do in the summer….

Summer is here. bunnies are hopping happily, young lovers walk hand in hand in the parks. Beautiful women and men bath themselves in the light of the sun. Joy and happiness emits carefree from wild youth running to their social gatherings.. Happiness, happiness everywhere… but  not with you. You toil the work shift, grinding away tasks at hand, locked away in misery. Day dreaming on what happiness would be for you while weighted down with pain, financial responsibility, just praying for a day when the happiness fairy comes knocking on your door dropping off the winning lottery ticket…

Many people are not happy,  its a goal that is so far out there that its not even in the same solar system.  Trust me, I know. I’m not happy, I’m like the many people here who are struggling with everything and not getting a ounce of fairy dust to solve my problems.

We seek to better ourselves and our life, we turn to self help books, tv shows, religion, and many other things.   We drown ourselves in mantras, pills, and philosophy sayings that means nothing because its not producing any happiness in our lives.   We hear the words like attracts like.. Happiness brings happiness, love brings love, and joy brings joy.   “The laws of attraction.” We hear this saying more times then we can count, but what can it do.  If your not happy, your not going to bring happiness. If your not rich its not going to bring richness to you. And then we sink further into our misery.

So hopefully I got the reader’s attention because this might be best mediation for you, or the worse, it all depends. A few people who I told this to or help them do it say it works.

We are going to be making Mu-Jen.. The Siberian shamans call it tupilak.. The Egyptians call it shabti.   The West call it elementaries.  I had one person describe it has a golem. A Mu-Jen is a  representative of you. Its like a “reverse” Voodoo doll, instead of bring harm to your enemies, we are going to work on bringing happiness or what you want to you.  With some imagination a magician can unlock the full potential of this  “doll” making it into a vital tool.

The are many ways of making one, I’m sure many are familiar in the basic steps  (Come on, I’m sure you made at least one Voodoo doll somewhere in your life). But if your not I’ll give some basic guidelines and a few stern warnings, since this is powerful stuff and you really don’t want to screw this up…  thunder in the background following an evil laugh.

There is two things one must know first before proceeding. A doll is a doll, but the Mu-Jen is you.  It’ll require your ling (your will) your one task that you want complete. It will also require a spirit link with you (blood, saliva, and hair). Those are the three must haves….. blood… saliva….hair…    Not menstrual blood or semen. Trust me, the more is better in this case.  And now the part of argument.. waaaa I don’t to cut myself… waaaa I rather jerk off since sexual magick is far more powerful then blood… waaaa waaa.. Stop being a baby.   If you want to be serious in making a Mu-Jen, flowing blood from the body is needed.. Not blood being expelled out do to natural cycle, and semen is not red and nor is it blood.  Making a Mu-Jen is serious and to the point, this is old magick, will and intent and preparation is key to success, lack of those would be more then a failed magick experiment..  You could harm yourself..  There is paragraphs of explanation on why you don’t want to use semen, menstrual blood,  finger nails, scabs, and even using fecal material and urine. I never used those materials so I can not vouch first hand experience  on what can happen. But oddly enough a following ritual after this one describes how to make a Mu-Jen of your enemies using those materials when life blood is not available.

I found using clay easier then w00d to use. But both work great. I found cloth easier and cleaner to make. Remember you are limited to your imagination, but follow the basic guidelines.  I modified the original ritual over the years and found that introducing Demonolatry  into it did not negatively hinder this task.

First you make two talismans. One talisman is the goal, for example money could be the dollar sign $. The other talisman is your personal sigil.  Charge them and get them ready.

Do your cleansing and banishing.

Making the body of the Mu-Jen. Here are the basics, its human shape, like a gingerbread man or clay figure. With cloth and wood stick the two talismans in there, clay you can burn the talismans and mix it in the clay.  Add the three human materials, I basically stick a lock of hair, blood and saliva on both talismans, in the doll.  With being human shape it is important it has a mouth, nostrils, and a belly button.. Simply open holes..  With a cloth one I have a ginger man with a slit mouth, two slit nostrils, and I drawned a  belly button.

Take the Mu-Jen by hand and breath into its mouth and nostrils. Fill it with your life breath with a control manner with focus for three times.  Then say ( you can modified this part if you want, I just like the original cause it sounds cool and powerful)

  • The Primal Void was still.
  • Chaos slept alone in the embracing silence.
  • No forms, no movement.
  • Then the Mother’s breath streamed forth.
  • The Way stirred up matter and motion.
  • Imparting destiny to all things.
  • Creature of my own hands. Living spirit.
  • Take breath from my breath.
  • Life from my Life.
  • Destiny from my destiny
  • Arise! Awake! Move to my Will!

Seal the nostrils and mouth. With clay just pinch them closed, with cloth I sewed them shut. 

Concentrate on your goal that you designed the Mu-Jen for and see your new creation bringing your desire to pass. Say ” Mu-Jen (and your name), Instrument of my Will, Walk the Road with me.”

Store in safe place, don’t let anyone know where it is or that it was made. Visit often with small food offerings and drink. Some prefer using incense.  It is also helpful, like if your goal is money, to slide a coin under it or use a dollar bill has a sleeping mat for it.  Remember it is you, this is the you that is seeking away to achieve the goal.  So it’ll grow hungry, even weak.. grow sick… and die..  Mu-Jen’s life spans are not infinite without care..  When the goal is achieved, its life ends..  You can give it a proper burial, crush it into dust, burn it with respect.. It was you that achieved that goal, how would you want to be treated after a hard path of getting what you want…  Remember this can go terrible wrong if someone else gets their hands on it, or if you mistreat it.. One person told me that he talked to it, had it watch his favorite shows with him, he called it personal time with himself.. But at the end his goal was achieved, found a girlfriend and then got married.. He said it was the saddest thing ever.. That it was like watching a best friend die in front of him.  I made a coffin for his Mu-Jen and gave it a cremation on a campfire at a national park with just two people attending the services..


Connecting With Your Patron/Matron

I had a harder time with this month’s post. I wanted to give you all something useful and practical to chew on this month. I was drawing a blank until my wife said, “Why not just give them a useful meditation to try.” Obvious, right?

Not in my case. I kept trying to make it more difficult than it needed to be. So don’t thank me for this post, it was my wife’s idea.

Mrs. Goetic Nick’s Formula for Connecting With a Patron/Matron

I’ve always believed in the power of meditation to bring things into our lives that we want to connect with or understand better. In this exercise I want you to imagine your patron/matron and give him/her/it human or animal form. Give him a personality, a likeness you identify with, and imagine its overall backstory. Next, invoke your patron/matron and get a sense of his/her energy. Fill your image with this energy. Imagine the energy coming off of him. Now connect. By connecting I mean imagine interacting with this image of your patron or matron that you’ve created. Converse with it (even if it’s only in your head). Take this image with you wherever you go throughout your day. Be very aware of where your patron and his energy is at all times. In doing this, you find a way to bridge the gap from knowing to understanding and you may find yourself better connected overall.

Naturally I began questioning the logic of this. I’m not one to reduce my deities to imaginary friends, to which my wife told me to shut up, some people need that anthropomorphic connection, and to quit being anal retentive because not everyone is as literal or unimaginative as me. Point taken, dear.

So there you have it folks. Take it for what it’s worth. I hope it helps someone out there connect.

Midsummer Meditations – August 2011

Welcome to August 2011 my friends. Aside from our usual rousing blog content there’s not much going on around here. I suppose that’s what people mean when they talk about the lazy days of summer. This month we offer you blog posts on the topic of midsummer meditations. Enjoy them!

Don’t forget that DB Publishing is still accepting submissions for the forthcoming book My Name is Legion. The link for writer/artist guidelines is over on the main page.  Also this month (or perhaps next as I’ve heard there’s a delay) look for the latest Audrey Brice release of the second OTS novel, Into Darkness. I’ll post a notice the minute the book is available.

I’d also like to offer this, if you’re a practicing Demonolater and an author, please let us know about your upcoming releases, too. We support Demonolater authors and artists and want to help promote you. Also, we have a guest blog spot open every month. So if you’d like to pimp your books, sell your wares, or do a guest blog post – contact me at [email protected] and I’ll help you make it happen.

May Flaros and the Asmodai bless and keep you this holy month of August.

I remain,

Frank F. Domovoi

The Manifestation Through Blood Offering

“The Blood is the water of life. Praise be Sobek. I become manifest through you, by the sacrifice of blood. Praise be Sobek. The blood is the life.” – The Rite of Imbibement

Some solitary practitioners have questioned the traditional use of blood in Demonolatry rituals, choosing to leave it out of their rites and offerings completely. Traditionally, however, the various forms of Demonolatry have all incorporated some form of blood letting or blood ritual. By this I am not talking about animal sacrifice although I attend a yearly ritual where a chicken is thanked appropriately, sacrificed, the blood given to the flames, and the body of the animal itself is consumed at a post ritual feast after it has been properly cleaned, prepared, and cooked. I am a firm believer in animal rights even though I am a meat eater and to me this is a respectful sacrifice.

I believe in the power of blood ritual. Blood is our essence and our life force. If we are willing to sacrifice blood it is a testament to our want for something. This is why sacrifice of a few drops of your own blood is the highest, most sacred sacrifice of all. It’s easy, perhaps, to kill another animal and take its blood but it takes more courage and strength to take from ourselves, without harm, to declare how serious we are about our intent. Putting it simply, “No pain, no gain” was likely coined by someone who believed in self-sacrifice for self growth and subsequent success and happiness.

In that respect the blood helps to manifest the will by sealing the intent of the magician.

For the spiritual side of things, the sacrifice, which is the act of making something sacred, of a few drops of your own blood as offering to deity is the most personal and highest offering you can give. Not all Daemons demand or insist upon blood sacrifice. As a matter of fact some prefer sexual fluids instead, but there are those for whom the blood pleases them most and it is for the practitioner to acknowledge this and give the offering to see what results or manifestations he receives or is witness to.

Blood manifests the will. Praise be Sobek.

Thoughts on Manifestation

Daemonic manifestation has turned out to be quite different to what I first believed all those
years ago. Muttering strange languages while sacrificing the obligatory virgin on a stone alter in the hope that some smokey horned (and sometimes winged) demon would make itself present or alternatively or trying out some of the spells from Simons Necronomicon in attempts to conjure some tentacly Chthonic or possibly Chtulhu himself are far from the truth.

In my experience, daemonic manifestation is far more subtle. Suddenly finding something you have been looking to purchase after not being able to find it for many years. Being heavily into the fighting arts, I often look to Kimaris (Cimejies) for advice, for as it says in the Goetia, “..a goodly warrior riding a black horse, and possesses the abilities of locating lost or hidden treasures, teaching trivium (grammar, logic and rhetoric) and making a man into a warrior of his own likeness” to help me in my fighting skills. Not only have I seen my fear slowly diminish and my fighting skills improve, but my rhetoric (important in my job) has also improved, and for that I thank Kimaris.

Saying that, I still very much enjoy delving into my copy of the Necronomicon – the spells are most interesting, and it makes good company with Maksim Hul. I have been ‘exploring’ the Necronomicon now for many years, but have not yet managed to summon anything tentacly into the corner of my bedroom.

It should be pointed that sacrificing virgins is not only illegal but also the waste of a good woman and is hence not recommended.

This is my first blog entry, so many apologies if it didn’t live up to what you were expecting.

Manifesting Fire Festival Cocktails

I must admit that whenever I schedule a ritual I let my husband deal with the ritual part and I focus on the food and drinks. What gathering would be complete without some cocktails? I have a few recipes up my sleeve that have gone over well with my coven. Today I’d like to share them with you.

The first is the Cuba Libre. I cheat by using both lime wedges and lime juice. First, squirt some lime juice (fresh squeezed is best but the stuff in the bottle is fine, about two tablespoons) into a highball glass. Add five parts Coca-Cola to one part rum and add your lime wedge. Since it’s likely hot as Hades outside don’t forget the ice.

Since we’re talking fire rituals, let’s talk spicy cocktails! I love a refreshing Bloody Caesar. You’ll need a highball glass, another lime wedge, a celery stalk, some tobasco sauce, celery salt, worstershire sauce, pepper (to taste), clamato juice (use straight tomato if you dislike clam), and vodka. Start by rimming your glass with the lime juice from a wedge, celery salt, and regular salt. Add one and a quarter ounces of vodka to about four ounces of clamato juice. Season with a few dashes of pepper, tobasco, and worstershire sauce, mix well and garnish with a celery stalk. They’re delicious!

A friend of mine makes what he calls a Hot Screw (I’ve also heard him call it a Spicy Screw). He brings a bottle of jalapeno infused vodka with him. Let me back up. The infused vodka starts two weeks earlier. He tells me he cuts up four good sized jalapeno peppers, de-seeds them, washes them, and puts them into the bottle of vodka. This sits for two weeks. When it’s time to mix drinks he simply mixes the vodka and orange juice like he normally would with a Screwdriver. Alas you have your Hot Screw. I think you could probaly experiment with this. I wonder what a Spicy Sea Breeze would taste like?

That’s enough for now, my pretties. The Rites of Summer are for celebrating the Demonic both within and without. Please drink responsibly because I may not be your mother, but I’m someone’s mother.


Manifesting Results & the Divine Intelligence

When I was initially given the blogging topic for July (Daemonic Manifestation) I honestly didn’t know what I was going to write about. Do I talk about theophany rituals? After all, I imagine a lot of people might find the physical manifestation of the Daemonic a fascinating topic. Yes, of course I know of several theophany rituals and no, I don’t recommend them. It would be a dire situation that called for such a ritual anyway. Most things can be accomplished quite easily without raising Daemons to physical manifestation.

Then I thought that maybe I could write about a physical manifestation experience (as I have had the experience and I am of the firm belief that anyone who works with the Daemonic long enough will experience a physical manifestation of the Daemonic at least once) but then I don’t know that such relaying of experience would serve to do much of anything except entertain. That’s kind of one of those things you have to experience for yourself in order to really get it. My personal experiences with the Daemonic, for me, are far more than simple blogging fodder.

Then I read some of the other posts for the month and I thought, “Wow. Everyone got really creative with this topic.” Leave it to our sisters in Maine to come up with the post they’ve got for you. It’s a doozy!

So I thought on it some more. That’s when it dawned on me that most Demonolaters want results whether magickal or spiritual. They want manifested results through the Daemonic Divine. It’s the results that matter. I’ve read a great deal of what other magicians have to say about results and the reasons they give for results that aren’t forthcoming as well as reasons why some people get results all the time. I’ve even skimmed the surface of this topic in some of my own writing.

I think the difference in those who get results from their spiritual work and those who don’t is whether or not a person is closed, lazy, or refuses to take self-responsibility as opposed to someone who is open, willing to work, and will accept responsibility for himself. That’s the difference between someone who gets a great deal from their spiritual path and someone who doesn’t.

Years ago I had a student who would ask me seemingly innocent questions about advanced ritual work I’d done and then never follow-up after I answered her questions. No real discussion ensued. I later was discussing students with another friend, who was also a teacher, who told me about his student. Long story short, it turned out it was the same student and he had been giving her advanced “self-work” to perform and instead of doing the work, the same student had been coming to me asking me about my experiences with certain rituals and then copying and pasting verbatim my experience and submitting it to him as her own work. We know this because we compared the e-mails.

The student didn’t want to do the work and was willing to lie. Several years later the student complained that she never got results (spiritual or other) from Demonolatry or working with the Daemonic and after more than a decade she still felt she needed a teacher. Nothing ever manifested for her. Well, when you copy and paste someone else’s results you’ll never see any of your own.

So while it’s probably cliche the reality is that doing the work will always manifest results when it comes to working with the Daemonic. Now they may not be the results you want, but I think you’ll find they’re often the results you need. It’s important the practitioner distinguish between wants and needs and recognize they’re very different things. One is necessary, the other is not. Most often when we’re working magick or we have spiritual goals we have a lot of wants. Sometimes you can’t get what you want until you first procure what you need so you can get all your needs sorted out. So it goes.

Open yourself up and allow the Daemonic to manifest in your life. Work with the Daemonic to grow and change into who you need to be. Who you want to be will surely follow. Because the greatest manifestation of the Daemonic is, ultimately, your Self.

I’d like to talk to someone about my bill…

Few things capture my imagination more than physical manifestation of the Demonic Divine. The very idea of a Demon manifesting before my eyes makes me both feel excited to experience a Hollywood moment, and stupid because I can’t think of a reason why I would really want that (not the Hollywood moment, but rather the physical manifestation.)

Understanding works better with examples, so here is a little analogy. You have a problem with your utilities bill and you want to get it solved. You decide that it would be best if you discussed it with someone at the company. So you got a few choices – you could call them, go to their office, or try to get them to come to your home. Lets examine each of these choices.

Calling them would be the easiest choice, and for the purposes of this analogy, it is much like doing a ritual. You gather you account information, look up the appropriate number for the billing department, use your phone and dial the number. You’ll have to navigate the automated menus, exercise patience while you are transferred around, and eventually you’ll have a chance to fix your problem by either talking to a person or selecting the right automated option.

Keen on some face, you could travel to the company’s office and talk to someone in person. Like ascension, going to the offices will get you in front of someone who will talk to you and listen to your problem. They might put in some extra effort to help solve your problem since you put in all the effort to get to them, more so than if you just called them at least.

Seeking to do the impossible, you could get someone from the utilities billing department to come to your house. They might be able to solve your problem, but certainly not in your home since they need access to their company computers which are back in the office. The efforts you have made to solve your problem far exceeded what was needed and caused more work for the person you were trying to get to help you. They had to travel to your house, discover your problem, and then travel back to the office to fix that problem. And this is how I see physical manifestation – a big expenditure of energy for something not worth it.

Keep in mind that I am a small fish in the big pond of Demonolatry. I do not know the rituals that could bring about Demon manifesting physically and I do not know a reason why someone would want to do that. That doesn’t mean that those rituals don’t exist and it certainly doesn’t mean that some people don’t have valid reasons for wanting it. This is my opinion, and despite how much it may stink, I’m going to stand by in anyway!

You might have your own ideas and opinions on the subject, so feel free to add them in the comments below.

Manifestation in the Darkness

Man`i`fes`ta´tion:   The materialization or apparition of a spirit; – a            phenomenon claimed to be seen by spiritualists.  – Webster’s 1913 Dictionary

The topic of discussion is Demonic Manifestation.   Has a demon ever physically appeared before me?  A few people I knew have danced around this topic, some throw out words like night terrors, unstable mind,  attention seeking, along many other words that brings doubt to the reader’s mind.

Truthfully I have seen things manifest before me. Through out my childhood and my adult life I have seen somethings that brings to question if it was something of flesh and blood.  When I was a child I have seen ghost of dead relatives, animals, dolls, and even living people.  Has an adult I have found myself working the nightshift in places of questionable background.  My work lights go out, batteries died, strange noises,  disappearing person.

With that brief detail on my childhood and a quick summary of my adulthood presented to the reader, it is safe to say I do believe in Manifestation.  I believe when people say they seen their long dead love ones, or something strange in the basement of a abandoned home, or even in the graveyard.  There are spirits and things that go bump in the night all around us.

I am certain there are many justifications on why such things happen to a person to see those things. Night terrors due to chemical reaction in the brain, being sensitive to the spirit realm, or just plan crazy.  I want to believe that all humans can see spirits in the right situation and time.

So its not a question if ghosts are real, but what about Demonic Manifestation? And again we do a side step and a little shuffle  on this topic. With Hollywood on our side we know that Demons do manifest and they are obsessed on bringing the end of the world, or killing angelic people. According to Hollywood demons walk among us and have sex with the daughters of man and mass producing half bred demons who have unnatural powers..  But lets return back to reality and turn off the tv right now.

According to Aliester Crowly demons do appear if you use a black mirror and a ritual triangle.  I have done that and I did see something in a black mirror. But not in front of me in person.. I seen things in smoke during my rituals, or even in the shadows of the room or woods I’m in. Something in the corner of my eye.. But nothing like the 9th Gate, I haven’t produced a demonic girlfriend before my eyes.

So do demons manifest?  I would like to say yes, but truthfully I’m not sure. I have dreams of my patron, sometimes in a mediative state I talk to him, I feel him when I do offerings and prayer.  I feel him when something does come from the offerings, like a job or some money.  If I look at the evidence I know demons are real..  But do they appear before a person in full form?

I think the best answer is based on the person and their reality..   Hopefully if you do see one, you are able to get your answers.


Daemonic Manifestation Curiosity

Infernal Greetings to All …

I decided to make my first post a little less “intense” then I normally would have. Really it is just a handful of trivia-like questions about Manifestations that I have had on my mind for a while. I hope nobody thinks I am not serious about the topic of Daemonic Manifestations. I have plenty of stories I can share about my experiences, but I was curious to learn more about other people’s feelings and opinions without getting too personal.

SO here goes …

How long did you have to wait from the first time you attempted a Daemonic Manifestation and it actually occurred?

When it did occur for the first time was it Mental, Aural, Physical, or more than just one?

How did the overall experience leave you feeling?

Do you have a fairly rigid Ritual for Daemonic Manifestations or do you experiment and get creative?

Have you ever had a Manifestation that left you scared or frightened?

What is the funniest or most amusing thing you have experienced or heard about from another person relating to this topic?

Do you prefer learning from others or using books and self-study methods about Daemonic Manifestation? Or maybe both?

Have you ever used drugs to enhance a Manifestation Ritual? Did it create any positive or negative results?

If you could only pick one book on the topic of Daemonic Manifestation what would it be? What would you recommend to others if it is different than your personal choice?

I think that is probably enough for right now. Feel free to ask me about what I have posted and unless something really bad happens I will be back next month on the 4th.

In Darkness we are United …

Devil Murdock