I change the temple twice a year in January and August. I will go out to the old barn where we have our temple set up, open all the doors and windows, wipe down any webs, and then sit in the center of the room and meditate on the space. Now with a smaller space like […]
The Relaxing Quality of Clouds
Are you high-strung? Stressed out? Feeling a bit anxious? In this fast-paced deadline driven world we live in, some of us (those of us who live our lives on a deadline) need to remember to take a minute to relax. One of the easiest ways I’ve found to do this is to sit back and […]
And it burns, burns, burns…
‘Ring of Fire’ by Johnny Cash has always invoked, within me, the quintessential feelings of this season of Summer. It is also the song that I hear when I work with Asmodai, which I’ve always felt fitting. In most cases when working with any of the Demonic Divine, a song, seemingly picked at random from my subconsciousness, […]
Something to do in the summer….
Summer is here. bunnies are hopping happily, young lovers walk hand in hand in the parks. Beautiful women and men bath themselves in the light of the sun. Joy and happiness emits carefree from wild youth running to their social gatherings.. Happiness, happiness everywhere… but not with you. You toil the work shift, grinding away […]
Connecting With Your Patron/Matron
I had a harder time with this month’s post. I wanted to give you all something useful and practical to chew on this month. I was drawing a blank until my wife said, “Why not just give them a useful meditation to try.” Obvious, right? Not in my case. I kept trying to make it […]
Midsummer Meditations – August 2011
Welcome to August 2011 my friends. Aside from our usual rousing blog content there’s not much going on around here. I suppose that’s what people mean when they talk about the lazy days of summer. This month we offer you blog posts on the topic of midsummer meditations. Enjoy them! Don’t forget that DB Publishing […]
The Manifestation Through Blood Offering
“The Blood is the water of life. Praise be Sobek. I become manifest through you, by the sacrifice of blood. Praise be Sobek. The blood is the life.” – The Rite of Imbibement Some solitary practitioners have questioned the traditional use of blood in Demonolatry rituals, choosing to leave it out of their rites and […]
Thoughts on Manifestation
Daemonic manifestation has turned out to be quite different to what I first believed all those years ago. Muttering strange languages while sacrificing the obligatory virgin on a stone alter in the hope that some smokey horned (and sometimes winged) demon would make itself present or alternatively or trying out some of the spells from […]
Manifesting Fire Festival Cocktails
I must admit that whenever I schedule a ritual I let my husband deal with the ritual part and I focus on the food and drinks. What gathering would be complete without some cocktails? I have a few recipes up my sleeve that have gone over well with my coven. Today I’d like to share […]
Manifesting Results & the Divine Intelligence
When I was initially given the blogging topic for July (Daemonic Manifestation) I honestly didn’t know what I was going to write about. Do I talk about theophany rituals? After all, I imagine a lot of people might find the physical manifestation of the Daemonic a fascinating topic. Yes, of course I know of several […]