Happy New Year!

Since Frank is out of town I figured I’d drop the first post of the year. First off – Happy New Year! 2015 is going to be an exciting year here at demonolatry.org. Not only do we have tons of classes going on, other members have some pretty great projects, too. First – to check […]

The “Lazy” Magician? I Think Not!

Over the past few years I have been heavily criticized for my book “Daemonolatry Goetia” because I basically took the entire Goetia out of its historical context, modified it for Daemonolatry magicians (who prefer to respect the divine intelligences they work with), and gave the Daemons/Spirits updated attributes for the modern age based on my […]


Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about the misconceptions and “facts” that are commonly held about our community. The difference between what is perceived and what is real. Some of these perceptions are thrust upon us, such as the Devil-made-me-do-it Oklahoma commandment smasher, who has of course, already been debunked as a lifelong Christian. But […]

Conventions, Communities, and Change

At the end of July I had the opportunity to attend the 2nd International Left Hand Path conference in Indianapolis, Indiana. I had an absolutely great time, and I was going to come home and write a blog post for August detailing the things that made the trip so much for me. Unfortunately, things did […]

The Importance of a Regular Practice

As an author and teacher, I am constantly getting emails filled with questions about Daemonolatry and magick. I don’t mind this because I have assistants who help me answer the vast volume of mail I receive. What’s interesting is a lot of the questions we get can be answered quite simply, “Establish a regular practice.” […]

Daemonolatry Necromancy Workshop

Daemonolatry Necromancy (October 25, 2014) 12 Noon MST  (2pm EST)  (DONE) Instructor: S. Connolly $50 per ticket (i.e. connected computer)- the workshop allows time for student questions and personalized help. Two hours are scheduled for each workshop, but Ms. Connolly will stay longer if necessary to give attendees personalized attention. Daemonolatry Necromancy has been a […]

Class, Workshop & Ritual 2014 – Master Schedule

Frank and I realized how confusing it must be with all of the events we have going on in 2014, so we decided to create a master schedule post to help people quickly find the classes, workshops and events they would like to attend. Remember – we do have some scholarships available, so if there’s […]