Religion and Spirituality

This months topic is religion and spirituality. First off, it is my belief that religion is not necessarily spiritual. Many people claim to be of various religions but are about as spiritual as a dog turd (obviously I have no knowledge that dog turds aren’t spiritual, but hopefully you get my meaning !) People can […]

Nuctemeron Gates

Nuctemeron Gates discusses the Nuctemeron of Apollonius of Tyana as a full path-working ritual for the adept and as a complete gate opening ritual to bring the “light of the world” manifest into the magus. Please note that this book is meant as a supplement to Infernal Colopatiron : A Manual of Daemonic Theophany. However, Infernal […]

Spiritual, Religious, Both, and Neither

This month’s topic can actually be somewhat of a challenge to write about. There is a great deal of ambiguity in today’s society regarding religion and spirituality. Some people use the two words interchangeably, while others hold them as two very different things. A great example of this is the ever-popular phrase, “I’m spiritual, but […]

October Spiritus

Welcome to October, People of the Org. This month the bloggers take on the topic of spiritual Demonolatry. What does it mean to live a spiritual life? How does one deepen their own spiritual connection to the Demonic Divine?  What practices do very spiritual people uphold? All of these questions are fair game this month. […]

Your Brain on Meditation

  Meditation has some neurological interesting aspects, you see your regular waking state , the brain activity between 12 and 30 Hz, it’s called beta, when you are concentrated in deep studys and focused tasks you are in Alpha, in the frequency range of 8–12 Hz arising, Theta wave, or Theta rhythm, is the term used to designate the frequency range […]