May Musings

Sorry for the delay in any posts this month. I got off to a bad start and offline life kept me offline. It seems if I forget my first of the month post, which I did this month, no one else posts. This months posts are supposed to be about ritual atmosphere. Creating it, relishing […]

Things I Wish I knew…..

There are so many things I wish I knew, I don’t know where to begin. Things just keep adding to the list, whether I like it or not. A post on this site on possession I was reading not five minutes ago has now raised the question of who are the ‘others’.  I could argue […]

Introducing the DB Publishing Chapbook Series

DB Publishing is currently seeking submissions for our Chapbook Series of books. These  books are generally between 50-80 pages (that’s between 20K-30K word count) and focus on a topic of interest to Daemonolaters. These topics can include (but certainly aren’t limited to) Sigil Magick Goetia topics Grimoiric Magick (wherein Daemons are treated respectfully) Candle Magick […]

A Mentor!

Man how would I really would have loved a physical mentor worth his salt when I was starting up. When I was around 14-15 I found the word “Occultism” through sensationalist publications, I used to be a UFO freak around that age, and until I was around 19 (I met a girl with some serious […]