When I was initially given the blogging topic for July (Daemonic Manifestation) I honestly didn’t know what I was going to write about. Do I talk about theophany rituals? After all, I imagine a lot of people might find the physical manifestation of the Daemonic a fascinating topic. Yes, of course I know of several […]
I’d like to talk to someone about my bill…
Few things capture my imagination more than physical manifestation of the Demonic Divine. The very idea of a Demon manifesting before my eyes makes me both feel excited to experience a Hollywood moment, and stupid because I can’t think of a reason why I would really want that (not the Hollywood moment, but rather the […]
Manifestation in the Darkness
Man`i`fes`ta´tion: The materialization or apparition of a spirit; – a phenomenon claimed to be seen by spiritualists. – Webster’s 1913 Dictionary The topic of discussion is Demonic Manifestation. Has a demon ever physically appeared before me? A few people I knew have danced around this topic, some throw out words like […]
Daemonic Manifestation Curiosity
Infernal Greetings to All … I decided to make my first post a little less “intense” then I normally would have. Really it is just a handful of trivia-like questions about Manifestations that I have had on my mind for a while. I hope nobody thinks I am not serious about the topic of Daemonic […]
Manifesting the Demon Within
I find myself sometimes exasperated by those practitioners who come to Demonolatry hoping the Demons will fix their lives. The obvious observation being that we often create the condition of our own lives by the decisions we make. We all make choices from what to wear, to what to eat, to what activities we fill our time […]
July Manifests
Welcome to July 2011! First some DB Publishing news. First, DB Publishing is seeking submissions for a new book called My Name is Legion: For We Are Many. Here are the Guidelines. Next, DB Publishing has officially announced its acquisition of a new book about Demonolatry by Gynna Nichols (a QA guide for beginners) slated to […]
Book Giveaways!
demonolatry.org in cooperation with DB Publishing & Official Melissa Press is going to start holding regular drawings for some fantastic bookish prizes. Right now we’re going to start accepting entries for both the Third Quarter & Halloween Giveaways! Third Quarter Third Quarter Book Giveaway: Is now over. To see the winners CLICK HERE. Halloween Winners are […]
The New Site & More
Please be aware that this website is currently under complete renovation. If anything looks like it needs to be cleaned up, it probably does. Please bear with us while we clean up our code and make things pretty. The decision to change the site was simple. We wanted to streamline the site so it was […]