Category: Demonolatry

Interview with S. Connolly

1. What would you say are the potential consequences of cursing?  I have a whole chapter about ethics and cursing in my general magick book called Curses, Hexes, & Crossings which is not Daemonolatry specific. But it does address the ethics and consequences question rather well. 2. Is it possible to be chosen by a Daemon, and […]

How To: Draw Daemonic Influence Anywhere

A lot of people think you need special tools, incense, special clothes, and even special jewelry to invoke the Daemonic and work with them. Heck, even in traditional Daemonolatry groups/covens, beginners are trained to always work within a constructed ritual space (for a reason). But I’m here to tell you – that’s not the case. […]

You Don’t Have to be Poor to be Spiritual

There was recently a conversation on one of my social media pages where another Daemonolater made it a point to reply to a pretty benign post (a link to Daemonic Prosperity Magick) about how they weren’t on this path for the money. It was purely spiritual for them. The virtue signaling was strong, suggesting anyone […]