As the custodian of this website I am often called upon to make decisions concerning content, contributors, and what I will allow on this site. I’ve had to make some tough calls over the years, including kicking one contributor to the curb for being unethical in their business practices. I also have to pick and […]
Category: Demonolatry
Everyday Divination
Bringing your spirituality into everyday life can be challenging for a lot of people. Oftentimes, practitioners relegate their spirituality to the weekends or “when they have time”, and take it out and dust it off as needed. Sadly, this kind of attitude often leads to a total disconnect between the practitioner and the Daemonic Divine. […]
How To: A Healing Ritual
I didn’t broadcast it, but last year, during harvest season, I ended up tearing a tendon while grinding apples from our own little apple orchard, for the hard cider. For those of you who’ve done this, you know how bad it hurts and how long it can take to heal. And many of you also […]
Interview with S. Connolly
1. What would you say are the potential consequences of cursing? I have a whole chapter about ethics and cursing in my general magick book called Curses, Hexes, & Crossings which is not Daemonolatry specific. But it does address the ethics and consequences question rather well. 2. Is it possible to be chosen by a Daemon, and […]
Daemonolatry How-To: Cleanse Magickal Items
Much like spiritual house cleaning and re-energizing or re-establishing wards, cleaning your magickal items on a regular basis tends to be a necessity every now and again. Not to remove Daemonic energy, mind you, but rather the astral sludge that can connect itself to your tools, amulets, and ritual items causing the entire ritual space […]
How To: Draw Daemonic Influence Anywhere
A lot of people think you need special tools, incense, special clothes, and even special jewelry to invoke the Daemonic and work with them. Heck, even in traditional Daemonolatry groups/covens, beginners are trained to always work within a constructed ritual space (for a reason). But I’m here to tell you – that’s not the case. […]
You Don’t Have to be Poor to be Spiritual
There was recently a conversation on one of my social media pages where another Daemonolater made it a point to reply to a pretty benign post (a link to Daemonic Prosperity Magick) about how they weren’t on this path for the money. It was purely spiritual for them. The virtue signaling was strong, suggesting anyone […]
Ogham Reading for the Season
Summer is less than a month away and with it comes a busy time in most of our lives. With this being the time of year that we spend a lot of time outside I decided to pull Ogham staves for a reading for each of the elements found in astrology. So, with no further […]
A Spring time Cleansing Ritual
Spring has finally sprung here in New England and I am grateful for the change in the weather. Spring is all about out with the old, stagnant energy of winter and in with the invigorating, new energy of the season. But for some reason this year feels different, like the sludge of winter is still […]
Daemonic Magick How-To: Infuse an Object with Daemonic Energy.
What you need: Item Oil of the Daemonic entity (see Wortcunning for Daemonolatry) The Enn and sigil of the Daemonic entity. The Sigil and Enn are for the invocation to draw the Daemonic energy into the ritual space and into the item. You are not trapping or attaching the Daemon to the item. You are […]